Course Semester Session Level
ACT 211: Princ of Accounting I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 211: Princ of Accounting I 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ACT 212: Princ of Accounting II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 212: Princ of Accounting II 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ACT 311: Intermediate Accounting I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 312: Intermediate Accounting II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 351: Cost Accounting 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 399: Internship in Accounting 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 401: Auditing 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 411: Taxation 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 412: Advanced Taxation 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 441: Govern & Non-Profit Acct 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 444: Finan Statmnt Analy Firm Valua 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ACT 500: Financial Accounting 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 500: Financial Accounting 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Graduate
ACT 511: Intermediate Accounting I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 512: Intermediate Accounting II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 601: Auditing 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 611: Federal Taxation 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 650: Accounting For Decision Making 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 670: Financial Statement Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 671: Strategic Cost Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 672: International Accounting 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ACT 673: Government&Non-profit Account 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
AED 501: Developmt&Assessmt in the Arts 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
AED 510: Curriculum Design 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
AED 570: Special Topics in Art Ed 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Graduate
AED 616: Action Rsch:Reflective Pract 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
AED 616: Action Rsch:Reflective Pract 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ARH 125: Renaissance to Modern Art 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
ARH 125: Renaissance to Modern Art 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ARH 150: Modern-Contemporary Art 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
ARH 301: Greek and Roman Art 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
ARH 313: The Art of Portugal 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
ARH 324: Medieval Art 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
ARH 325: Italian Renaissance Art 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ARH 390: Special Topics in Art History 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
ART 509: Portfolio Intensive Studio II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ART 510: Selected Topics 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Graduate
ART 510: Selected Topics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ART 510: Selected Topics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ART 510: Selected Topics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ART 510: Selected Topics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ART 510: Selected Topics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Graduate
BIO 103: Topics in Biology 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
BIO 103: Topics in Biology 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
BIO 103: Topics in Biology 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
BIO 105: Human Nutrition 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
BIO 108: Cancer Biology 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
BIO 114: Wellness Today 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
BIO 114: Wellness Today 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
BIO 114: Wellness Today 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
BIO 221: Anatomy & Physiology I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
BLS 258: A History of Criminology 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
BLS 380: Abolitionism 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
CIS 115: Computer Program With C 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CIS 183: Obj-Oriented Program with Java 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
CIS 183: Obj-Oriented Program with Java 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CIS 322: Data Structure&Fund Algorithms 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CIS 323: Fund of Computer Systems 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
CIS 323: Fund of Computer Systems 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CIS 532: Software Systems Design 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
CIS 542: Digital Forensics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
CIS 550: Advanced Machine Learning 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
CIS 564: Mobile Robotics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
CIS 568: Data Visualization 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
CIS 570: Adv Computer Systems 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
CJS 190: Intro Crime & Justice Studies 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 190: Intro Crime & Justice Studies 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
CJS 205: Social Theory 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
CJS 205: Social Theory 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 256: The Criminal Justice System 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
CJS 258: A History of Criminology 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 315: Rsch Methods Justice Studies 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 326: Female Sex Offenders in Media 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 340: Law and Society 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
CJS 350: Read Crime & Justice Studies 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
CJS 350: Read Crime & Justice Studies 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 361: The War on Drugs 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 370: Criminal Law and Procedure 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 380: Abolitionism 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
CJS 400: Contemporary Topics in Justice 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
CJS 450: Internship 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ECO 231: Principles Micro 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ECO 231: Principles Micro 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ECO 232: Principles Macro 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
ECO 232: Principles Macro 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ECO 232: Principles Macro 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ECO 311: Intermediate Macro 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ECO 338: Health Economics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ECO 475: Healthcare Svcs Admin & Mgt 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
EDU 522: Inservice Teachers II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 522: Inservice Teachers II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 522: Inservice Teachers II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 522: Inservice Teachers II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 522: Inservice Teachers II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 536: Field Based Experiences 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 537: Field Based Experiences 2 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 538: Field Based Experiences 3 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 602: Action Research 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 602: Action Research 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 602: Action Research 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 603: Designing Inst for Learning 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 611: Developmental Reading 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 653: Theories Language Acquisition 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 654: Method&Material for Lang Teach 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
EDU 655: Dual Language Issues and Instr 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
ELP 571: Rsch Meth I-Meth & Design 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Graduate
ENL 101: Critical Writing & Reading I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ENL 102: Critical Writing & Reading II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ENL 200: Studies in Literature 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
ENL 200: Studies in Literature 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
ENL 200: Studies in Literature 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
ENL 200: Studies in Literature 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
ENL 200: Studies in Literature 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ENL 200: Studies in Literature 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ENL 228: Survey American Lit I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ENL 259: Crit Methods:Theory & Practice 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
ENL 260: Intermediate Composition 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ENL 264: Communicating in the Sciences 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ENL 265: Business Communication 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ENL 305: Topics in Medieval Literature 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ENL 347: Special Topic:Women Lit 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
ENL 348: Amer Women Playwrights 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
ENL 400: Sem:American Literature 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
FIN 312: Business Finance 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
FIN 312: Business Finance 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
FIN 320: Personal Finance 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
FIN 320: Personal Finance 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
FIN 320: Personal Finance 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
FIN 320: Personal Finance 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
FIN 397: Financial Modeling 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
FIN 493: Financial Mgmnt Of Corporation 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
FIN 500: Economic Concepts Mgrs 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
FIN 650: Fin For Decision Making 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
FIN 670: Investment Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
FIN 697: Financial Modelling 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
FRN 102: Elementary French II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
HST 102: Hist of Western Civ II 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
HST 103: World Civilizations I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
HST 104: World Civilizations II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
HST 104: World Civilizations II 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
HST 115: History of US I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
HST 201: Crit Skills for History Major 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
HST 270: Latin American Civ 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
HST 315: U.S. Women¿s History 1865-Pres 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
HST 320: Topics in European History 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
HST 343: Hist Greek Civilization 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
HST 389: Topics in World History 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
HST 402: Seminar:European History 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
HST 501: Teach Hist&Soc Study-Sec 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
HST 521: Graduate Seminar in History 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
HST 521: Graduate Seminar in History 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
LAR 201: Intro to Multidisc Studies 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MAR 599: Special Topics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MGT 201: Leadershp,Teamwrk,Collaboratn 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
MGT 201: Leadershp,Teamwrk,Collaboratn 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 201: Leadershp,Teamwrk,Collaboratn 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 301: Princ Enterprise Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 301: Princ Enterprise Management 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MGT 312: Legal Framework Business 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 331: Project Team Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 343: Human Resource Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 371: Intro Small Business Managmnt 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 372: Entrepreneurship 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 398: MGT & MKT Career Planning 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MGT 399: Internship in Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 401: App Organization&Career Devel 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 465: Leading and Managing People 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 471: Small Business Strategy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 490: Strat Mgt & Policy Form 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MGT 600: Corp Soc Respon & Bus Law 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MGT 650: Adv Organization Behavi 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MGT 650: Adv Organization Behavi 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MGT 659: Strategic Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MGT 659: Strategic Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MGT 671: Mgmt Organization Change 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Graduate
MGT 673: Organization,Structure&Process 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Graduate
MGT 677: Lead,Motiv,Empowr Others 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Graduate
MGT 677: Lead,Motiv,Empowr Others 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Graduate
MIS 212: Problem Solving & Programming 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MIS 315: Information Systems 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MIS 315: Information Systems 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MIS 341: Data Commun& Comp Networks 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MIS 381: Introduction to Cybersecurity 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MIS 462: Advanced Information Systems 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MIS 475: Bus Intelligence&Analytics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MIS 650: Information Tech Mgmnt 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MIS 650: Information Tech Mgmnt 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MIS 674: App Bus Anlytcs & Info Vislztn 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MIS 676: Managing Technology Projects 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MIS 681: Business Intell&Knowledge Mgmt 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MKT 311: Principles of Marketing 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 311: Principles of Marketing 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MKT 330: Marketing Analytics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 360: Business-To-Business Mkt 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 360: Business-To-Business Mkt 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MKT 398: MGT & MKT Career Planning 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MKT 399: Internship in Marketing 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 425: Product Strategy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 431: Consumer Behavior 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 441: Marketing Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 442: Marketing Research 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 443: Social Media Marketing 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
MKT 443: Social Media Marketing 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MKT 443: Social Media Marketing 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MKT 650: Marketing Strategy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MKT 650: Marketing Strategy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MLS 105: Cont Top Human Ecology I 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
MLS 105: Cont Top Human Ecology I 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MLS 106: Cont Top Human Ecol II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MLS 327: Appls to Immunohematology 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MTE 512: Mathematical Challenges 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
MTH 146: Finite Mathematics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MTH 146: Finite Mathematics 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MTH 147: Fundamentals of Statistics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
MTH 147: Fundamentals of Statistics 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MTH 148: College Algebra 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MUS 101: Introduction to Music 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
MUS 101: Introduction to Music 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
MUS 101: Introduction to Music 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MUS 103: Intro to World Music 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
MUS 106: Popular Music in Amer Society 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
NUR 214: Scholarly Inquiry 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
NUR 214: Scholarly Inquiry 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
NUR 301: Trans Baccalaureate Nur Ed 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
NUR 302: Sel Mech Of Dis&Rel Phar 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
NUR 306: Professional Nursing 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
NUR 306: Professional Nursing 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
NUR 306: Professional Nursing 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
NUR 322: Holistic Health Assessment RNs 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
NUR 322: Holistic Health Assessment RNs 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
NUR 328: Population Health Nursing 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
NUR 409: Leadership in Nursing 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
NUR 410: Healthcare Informatics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
NUR 452: Nurs Care of Chronic Illness 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
NUR 452: Nurs Care of Chronic Illness 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
NUR 511: Trans Rsch Eviden Adv Nur Prac 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 512: Integrated Physiologic Knowldg 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 547: Promoting Health of Population 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 553: Pharmacology Adv Nur Practice 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 557: Intro Prim Care Adv Prac Nurse 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 558: Exp Learn:Primary Care I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 564: Mental Health Nursing I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 565: Mental Health Nurs Practicum I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 565: Mental Health Nurs Practicum I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 642: Curriculum Develop in Nursing 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 646: Practicum in Nur & Hlthcr Edu 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 658: Chronic Illness Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 659: Chronic Illness Mgmt Practicum 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 673: Global Health Perspectives 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 678: Mental Health Nursing III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 679: Mental Hlth Nurs Practicum III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 679: Mental Hlth Nurs Practicum III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 684: Pract Glob Pub Hlth Nur Prac 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 771: DNP Sem II:Genetic Ethic Innov 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 776: Evidence Based Practice III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 776: Evidence Based Practice III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 776: Evidence Based Practice III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 776: Evidence Based Practice III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 777: DNP Residency III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 777: DNP Residency III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 777: DNP Residency III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
NUR 777: DNP Residency III 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
PHL 101: Intro to Philosophy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
PHL 101: Intro to Philosophy 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
PHL 110: Princ of Critical Thinking 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
PHL 215: Introduction to Ethics 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
PHL 215: Introduction to Ethics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
PHL 215: Introduction to Ethics 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
PHL 307: Ecofeminism:Philosophy&Practic 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
PHL 341: Philosophy of the Good Life 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
PHY 151: Intro Astronomy 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
POL 500: Public Institution&Pol Process 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Graduate
POL 510: Public Management 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Graduate
POL 510: Public Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Graduate
POL 511: Org Behav in Edu Settings 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Graduate
POL 530: Policy Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POL 541: State and Local Public Finance 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Graduate
POL 542: Law and Education 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Graduate
POL 561: Public Finance in Education 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Graduate
POL 562: Environmental Policy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POL 570: Hist & Phil Found Amer Ed 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Graduate
POL 580: Statistical Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POL 581: Rsch Meth for Public Policy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POL 585: Applied Policy Rsch Seminar 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POL 599: Policy Studies Internship 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POL 599: Policy Studies Internship 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POL 611: Administrative Law 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Graduate
POL 661: Environmental Law 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POL 663: Ocean Policy and Law 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Graduate
POM 212: Business Statistics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 212: Business Statistics 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
POM 333: Intro to Business Analytics 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
POM 333: Intro to Business Analytics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
POM 333: Intro to Business Analytics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 333: Intro to Business Analytics 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
POM 345: Operations Management 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
POM 345: Operations Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
POM 345: Operations Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 345: Operations Management 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
POM 415: Applied Decision Techniques 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
POM 445: Managing Quality 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 446: Process Management 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
POM 446: Process Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 447: Project Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 448: Supply Chain Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 450: Business Logistics 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 451: Risk Managmnt in Supply Chains 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POM 500: Statistical Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POM 651: Creat Value Thru Oper Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POM 651: Creat Value Thru Oper Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POM 677: Logistics Strategy&Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POM 679: Manage Health Care Operations 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POM 681: Business Analytics&Data Mining 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POM 682: Tech Management Strategies 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POR 101: Elementary Portuguese I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POR 102: Elementary Portuguese II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POR 201: Intermediate Portuguese I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POR 202: Intermediate Portuguese II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POR 302: Portuguese Comp&Conv II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
POR 313: The Art of Portugal 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
POR 521: Tch Portuguese Frgn Lang 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POR 610: Topic Lit & Cult Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
POR 650: Comp Studies Port Speak World 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
PRD 571: Prep For Ma Ed Test- 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Non Credit Contin. Ed Non Credit
PRD 571: Prep For Ma Ed Test- 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Non Credit Contin. Ed Non Credit
PRD 572: MTEL Found of Read (Test 190) 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Non Credit Contin. Ed Non Credit
PRD 572: MTEL Found of Read (Test 190) 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Non Credit Contin. Ed Non Credit
PSC 161: International Relations 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
PSC 171: Intro Political Theory 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
PSC 213: Law and Courts in Film 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
PSC 305: Political Science Internship 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
PSC 322: Constitutional Law 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
PSC 347: Environmental Law 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
PSC 349: Pol Sci Research Methods 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
PSC 400: Seminar in Amer Pol & Policy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
PSY 101: General Psychology 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
PSY 533: Supervision & Management 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
PSY 586: Applied Behavior Analysis 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
SOA 101: Introduction to Sociology 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SOA 101: Introduction to Sociology 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
SOA 102: Social Problems 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
SOA 200: Introduction to Social Thought 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SOA 316: Research Methods 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SOA 376: Gender & Sex Across Cultures 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SOA 378: Urban Issues and Public Policy 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SOA 450: Internship 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SPA 102: Elementary Spanish II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SPA 202: Intermediate Spanish II 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SPA 203: Intensive Intermediate Spanish 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
SPE 547: Intro to Special Education 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
SPE 549: Diag&Remed Assess Mod Disable 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
SPE 549: Diag&Remed Assess Mod Disable 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
SPE 549: Diag&Remed Assess Mod Disable 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
SPE 550: Diff Instr & Evid Based Prac 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
SPE 550: Diff Instr & Evid Based Prac 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
SPE 550: Diff Instr & Evid Based Prac 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Graduate
SUS 101: Principles of Sustainability 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
SUS 101: Principles of Sustainability 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
WGS 101: Intro Women's & Gender Studies 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
WGS 101: Intro Women's & Gender Studies 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
WGS 190: Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
WGS 203: Intersectional Feminism 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
WGS 270: Latin American Civ 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
WGS 300: Topics Women's&Gender Studies 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
WGS 307: Ecofeminism:Philosophy&Practic 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate
WGS 312: Feminist Research Methods 2025 Spring Spring 2025 First 7-Week Session Undergraduate
WGS 315: U.S. Women¿s History 1865-Pres 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Second 7-Week Session Undergraduate
WGS 348: Amer Women Playwrights 2025 Winter Winter 2025 Session Undergraduate
WGS 362: Women in World History 2024 Fall Fall 2024 Second 7-week session Undergraduate
WGS 376: Gender & Sex Across Cultures 2025 Spring Spring 2025 Full Session Undergraduate