CJS 303: Islamophobia - fall

Prerequisite: CJS 190, CJS 256, CJS 257, Upper class standing or permission of the instructor

This course engages students with intersectional contexts of gendered and racialized crime and (in)justice. Areas of analysis include an introduction to historical and sociolegal processes of racialization and citizenship in the US, empire, and orientalism, pre and post-9/11 Muslimophobia via institutionalized policies and interpersonal violence, as well as examining the refugee crisis, intra-community prejudice, and social justice.

Topic: Islamophobia
12648 01B Lecture 30 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12:30 PM EDT 1:45 PM EDT Liberal Arts 215
Instructor: Aneesa Baboolal Class status:
Prerequisite: CJS 190, CJS 256, CJS 257, Upper class standing or permission of the instructor
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: Blended