CIS 550: Advanced Machine Learning - fall

Prerequisite: CIS 360 Algorithms & Data Structures or equivalent, or permission of instructor

Advanced coverage of machine learning algorithms and applications to computer vision, data mining and social media. Specifically, the course focuses on data pre-processing, feature extraction, supervised/unsupervised learning, graphical model, deep learning, and other advanced machine learning topics. The course will also explore several real-world problems, e.g., visual detection/recognition, topics discovery, social media analytics using machine learning approaches.

11474 01 Lecture 50 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2:00 PM EST 3:15 PM EST Textile Building 101
Instructor: Ashokkumar Patel Class status:
Prerequisite: CIS 360 Algorithms & Data Structures or equivalent, or permission of instructor
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person