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CHM 163: Intro to Chemistry Lab I - fall

Pre-req: CHM Majors or CHM Honors; Co-req: CHM 155

An introduction to chemical laboratory techniques and methods with emphasis on preparation, purification, and identification of compounds, elemental analysis, reaction stoichiometry, chemical ionization, thermochemistry, spectrophotometric techniques, and selective descriptive inorganic chemistry. Most experiments involve the identification of unknowns and statistical analysis of data. The experiments in CHM 163 parallel the topics covered in CHM 155. A written laboratory report summarizing the procedure and results for each experiment is required. Previously offered as CHM 165.

5266 01L1 Laboratory 0 1.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 10:00 AM EST 12:30 PM EST Science & Engr 322
Instructor: Melissa Silvia Class status:
Pre-req: CHM Majors or CHM Honors; Co-req: CHM 155
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
5267 01L2 Laboratory 0 1.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1:00 PM EST 3:30 PM EST Science & Engr 322
Instructor: Melissa Silvia Class status:
Pre-req: CHM Majors or CHM Honors; Co-req: CHM 155
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
5268 01 Lecture 0 1.00
Instructor: Melissa Silvia Class status:
Pre-req: CHM Majors or CHM Honors; Co-req: CHM 155
Non-Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: On-Line