AXD 211: Methods&Media in Illustration - fall

Prerequisite: FOU 110, FOU 120, FOU 130 and FOU 140; or by permission of instructor or department chairperson.

General Education requirement: Cultural & Artistic Literacy

A disciplined approach to draftsmanship. This workshop course focuses on draftsmanship and painting in traditional media that are specific to the practice of illustration. The fundamental skills and materials of an illustrator are further developed with an emphasis on the human form, drapery, locomotion and space.

12213 01 Studio 16 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12:00 PM EDT 5:00 PM EDT Visual & Perf Arts 302
Instructor: Class status:
Prerequisite: FOU 110, FOU 120, FOU 130 and FOU 140; or by permission of instructor or department chairperson.
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person