ARH 340: Hist Animation&Experiment Film - fall

General Education requirement: Cultural & Artistic Literacy

History of animation and experimental film. Through weekly screenings (and 3 of 4 required evening events), students study poetic, surrealist, structuralist and groundbreaking film (from Vertov to Michael Snow) and animation (from early Mickey Mouse to the Quay Brothers claymations to contemporary computer generated imagery). Students investigate the intersections between race, gender, technology, politics, commercialism and personal expression.

12185 01B Lecture 30 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 3:30 PM EDT 5:15 PM EDT Visual & Perf Arts 156
Instructor: Anna Dempsey Class status:
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: Blended
12185 01B Lecture 30 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 3:30 PM EDT 5:15 PM EDT Visual & Perf Arts 156
Instructor: Mark Millstein Class status:
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: Blended