AED 405: Soc Phil & His Of Art Ed - fall

Prerequisite: Co- or Pre-requisites AED 200 and 201

General Education requirement: Cultural & Artistic Literacy

Relationships between art education philosophical approaches and historical practices within social contexts. Prominent art education scholarship provides a philosophical framework for analysis of theories and current trends in teaching art. Comparative historical and contemporary interpretations are explored through literature review and presentation of historical timeline. Required: 15 pre-practicum FBE hours outside of class

12306 01 Lecture 20 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2:00 PM EDT 3:15 PM EDT VIsual & Perf Arts 354
Instructor: Melissa Leaym-Fernandez Class status:
Prerequisite: Co- or Pre-requisites AED 200 and 201
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person