Course Semester Level
PSY 598: Graduate Thesis 2024 Fall Graduate
PSY 598: Graduate Thesis 2024 Fall Graduate
PSY 598: Graduate Thesis 2024 Fall Graduate
REL 201: Intro to Religious Studies 2024 Fall Undergraduate
REL 396: Directed Study 2024 Fall Undergraduate
REL 397: Christianity to Reformation 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 101: Introduction to Sociology 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 101: Introduction to Sociology 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 111: Intro Cultural Anthro 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 111: Intro Cultural Anthro 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 111: Intro Cultural Anthro 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 111: Intro Cultural Anthro 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 337: Compar Ethnic Relations 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 338: Population, Environmnt & Cult 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 375: Media and Education 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 383: Migration,Citizenshp,Belonging 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 492: Thesis Research I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SOA 492: Thesis Research I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 102: Elementary Spanish II 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 102: Elementary Spanish II 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 201: Intermediate Spanish I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 201: Intermediate Spanish I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 202: Intermediate Spanish II 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 202: Intermediate Spanish II 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 209: Spanish Lit in Translation 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPA 331: Masterpiece Span Lit I 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SPE 547: Intro to Special Education 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 675: Intro Qualitative Methods 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 677: Theories of STEM Learning 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 678: Develop Reseach Skills Part I 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 697: Authentic Learning (Internshp) 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 774: Dissertation Research 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 774: Dissertation Research 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 774: Dissertation Research 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 774: Dissertation Research 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 774: Dissertation Research 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 774: Dissertation Research 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 774: Dissertation Research 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 790: Adv Spec Topics STEM Education 2024 Fall Graduate
STM 795: Adv Ind Study in STEM Edu 2024 Fall Graduate
SUS 101: Principles of Sustainability 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SUS 101: Principles of Sustainability 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SUS 202: Topics in Sustainability 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SUS 202: Topics in Sustainability 2024 Fall Undergraduate
SUS 350: Special Topics Sustainability 2024 Fall Undergraduate
UNV 100: First-Year Seminar 2025 Spring Undergraduate