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Frequently Asked Questions

The term multiliteracy, as defined by the New London Group in 1994, evolves the educational paradigm: multiliterate pedagogies “accept and encourage a wide range of linguistic, cultural, communicative, and technological perspectives and tools being used to help students better prepare for a rapidly changing, globalized world." 

So, as an academic support center inclusive of multiliteracies, the Writing & Multiliteracy Center's goal is to provide a welcoming space where all UMassD students can grow as independent and confident communicators—on the written page and across a variety of current and emerging platforms and technologies.

Most of what we assist with at the WMC involves helping composers brainstorm, interpret, and revise written texts. Tutors can work with you on essays and written assignments in all disciplines. We can, however, also help with projects that transcend, transform, or supplement the written word. These include presentations, public speaking assignments, and video/audio-based projects. We always recommend that you try to book specifically with a tutor who has expertise in your given subject or assignment using the "Limit To" feature at the top of our scheduler.

If you need assistance with math, engineering, physics, or science subject tutoring, please visit UMassD's STEM Learning Lab. The UMassD Language Learning & Multimedia Lab provides language tutoring and resources for UMassD language classes 

Please note that WMC tutors also cannot assist with take-home written exams, tests, and quizzes. Tutors can help with brainstorming essay test preparation strategies but, for ethical reasons, cannot assist with revising your responses to test/quiz questions.

All appointments can be made online using our scheduling systemThis video will walk you through how to book an appointment. You must schedule an appointment at least a half hour prior to the appointment's start time, though we recommend booking at least twenty-four hours in advance. Appointments can be made for a half hour or a full hour, with a maximum of one appointment per day. Please make sure to take note of your modality. This video illustrates how to make and access a fully online appointment. 

You and your tutor will meet and collaborate on your assignment. The tutor's purpose is not to edit or complete your work for you, but rather to help you understand the task and its objectives. Please arrive or log in to your appointment at least five minutes early and come prepared with your assignment guidelines, rubric, and your assignment draft. The goal here is to spark discussion that will encourage long-term growth in your abilities as a writer and composer.

We recommend two excellent sources for online writing resources: The Purdue Online Writing Lab and the Tips and Tools from the Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Both sites have many practical and robust strategies for writing across disciplines. 

And, of course, our tutors at the WMC would be happy to assist with navigating these resources! 

We advocate for the principles outlined in professional position statements such as the Conference on College Composition’s statement on Students’ Right to Their Own Language and the International Writing Center Association’s Position Statement on Racism, Anti-Immigration, and Linguistic Intolerance and Position Statement on the Use of the Singular “They.”

Our staff includes highly-trained undergraduate and graduate consultants from many majors and disciplines, including engineering, biology, psychology, political science, and the humanities. 

All undergraduate consultants without prior tutoring experience are required to enroll in and complete a three-credit training class, ENL 359: Tutoring Writing. This course also fulfills the University Studies 5B requirement. 

If you plan to require students to make an appointment at the WMC, we ask that you prepare students in advance: show them our "how to book an appointment video" and have them write out questions or prepare specific aspects of their assignment they'd like to work on with their tutor. We find that required appointments tend to be most successful and useful if students have particular objectives and outcomes attached to their session. 

Yes! Our social media sites include information about our upcoming events and workshops. Please check us out on Facebook,  Instagram, and TikTok

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