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Information for new students

Financial Aid Alert: FAFSA Code Error

A FAFSA code issue may impact your aid for the Spring 2025 semester and the 2025-26 academic year. Log into your FAFSA and ensure UMass Dartmouth’s official code, 002210, is selected to enable your information to be sent to UMass Dartmouth.

Welcome to UMass Dartmouth! Here's some information to get you started...

Before you arrive on campus

To reserve your spot in the university, you must complete and return the white enrollment card that was enclosed in your acceptance package. The enrollment card must be accompanied by an enrollment deposit of $200 in order to hold your place in your program of study. Students who plan to live on campus must include an additional non-refundable $200 housing deposit. Please note that all deposits will be applied to the student's first semester bill. The postmark deadline for enrollment cards and deposits is May 1, although popular programs (including Nursing) may reach their capacity limits prior to the deadline.

Summer Orientation

Incoming freshmen and transfer students will receive an orientation packet in late April. Students who submit their deposit after April should receive their orientation packet by mid-May. If you do not receive an orientation packet, please call the orientation line: 508.910.6497.

For more information, visit the orientation website.

Winter Orientation

Incoming freshmen and transfer students who intend to enroll in the spring semester should receive an orientation packet in December. If you do not receive an orientation packet, please call the orientation line: 508.910.6497.

For more information, visit the orientation website.

You can submit your health information and immunization records via the Health Service.

Learn more about Online health records & Immunization requirements

Financial aid award packages are sent at the end of March to those students who have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

The financial aid packages will include any applicable loans or grants, as well as federal work study funding. Students with a federal work study award can get a head-start on the job hunt by visiting the Student Employment website for a list of job postings.

If you have questions about your financial aid package, contact the Financial Aid Office at 508.999.8643.

Housing contracts for new students are sent out in late May.

Please return it within 5 days of receiving it.  The sooner your contract is received, the more likely you will be assigned to the type of room you requested in your preferences.

All roommates must request each other either in writing or on the contract by the due date to be honored.

Roommate request due dates are specified at the bottom of the contract. 

Yes, students will receive a roommate matching form or instructions on how to complete roommate matching online with your housing contract.

For additional housing information, please visit the housing website.

Class schedule

Students will receive their schedules during orientation.

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to making any changes to your schedule. If you would like to change classes, you can change your schedule in COIN, which you can access through myUMassD. You can also make changes to your schedule during the add/drop period which is the first week of the start of the semester.

Student schedules are accessible through COIN, our student information system located in the myUMassD portal. COIN training will take place during orientation.


Textbook cost can vary depending on major; however, please plan to spend $500-$600 per semester.

Once you have your class schedule, you can use the course numbers to find your textbooks both at the bookstore and online.

UMass Pass

Your UMass Pass is your student identification card. It is a swipe card that allows you to access your residence hall, check books out of the library, use your meal plan and snack allowance, purchase items at the bookstore and pay for things off campus using your UMDollars account.

For more information about UMass Pass, please visit the UMass Pass Office in the Campus Center, call 508.910.6913, or visit the UMass Pass web site.

Each student receives his or her UMass Pass at orientation. Students who are unable to attend orientation may visit the UMass Pass office, located in the Campus Center, during their summer business hours, to receive their UMass Pass.

A one-time fee will appear on your fall semester bill for the UMass Pass.

Please go to the UMass Pass office in the Campus Center right away to report a lost or stolen card. There is a $25 fee to replace a lost or stolen UMass Pass. For more information, please visit the UMass Pass web site.

There are two kinds of accounts on the UMass Pass. UMDollars is the account students can use at any location that accepts UMass Pass, including some off-campus locations. You can deposit money into your UMass Pass UMDollars account online or at the UMass Pass office. Please visit the UMass Pass web site for more information.

The UMDollars account is separate from the UMass Pass "snack account," which resident students receive as part of their meal plans. The "snack allowance" may be used at various food venues on campus.


Yes. However, all students, both commuters and residents, must have parking decals on their cars.

Please visit the parking website for information and to obtain a decal. You must have activated your UMass Dartmouth email account to obtain a parking decal.

Fees for parking vary by student category. Please visit the parking website for more information.

Email, computers & information technology (IT)

UMassD Logon accounts (for email and other services) are created in May for new students entering in the fall semester. (Accounts for students entering in the spring semester are created as new student criteria are finalized.) The UMassD Logon is your username and password for your university email account; it's also used for other services such as myCourses, our system for online courses.

Activate your UMassD Logon

To access your Zimbra email, COIN, and other university systems, use the myUMassD portal.

Please note: Students at UMass Dartmouth also use COIN, our system for student information and services such as class schedules and course registration. COIN is located in the myUMassD portal.

Yes. UMass Dartmouth email is the official form of communication between the university and students. You can log in to your university account from the UMass Dartmouth home page. Students are expected to check this email account regularly.

Some examples of official communications sent to your UMass Dartmouth email account:

  • Invitation to register for classes
  • Housing assignment
  • School cancellations
  • Email from professors
  • Package notification
  • Information on campus activities
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • On-campus job opportunities
  • Internship opportunities

Please be sure to read the university's email and responsible use policies.

Computing and Information Technology Services (known on campus as CITS) provides guidelines to assist students who plan to purchase a computer. Some colleges (Business, Visual & Performing Arts) also provide specific recommendations for laptops.

Computing & Information Technology Services (CITS) has a "Get Started" page for new students. For additional information, you can also visit the CITS website.

Students manage information such as class schedules and course registration through COIN (Corsairs Online Information). COIN is located in the myUMassD portal. You will learn more about COIN at orientation.

Housing & meal plan options

Freshmen live in traditional residence halls—each hall is a specially themed first-year living-learning community.

While the Housing Office cannot guarantee placement in an upper-level residence hall, the staff works to place transfer students, as space is available, with their peers.

Yes. You can find information on ADA accommodations on the housing website.

A meal plan is a package including a certain number of meals per week, snack allowance, and guest passes. You sign up for a meal plan on the housing contract.

All freshmen must have a meal plan. Meal plan options for freshmen are: 10 meals per week, 14 meals per week, and 19 meals per week.

Please note: You can always increase your meal plan if you feel you are not getting enough meals. However, once selected, meal plans cannot be decreased.

Read more information about campus dining

Housing assignments

You will receive your housing room assignment in mid-August via your UMass Dartmouth email account as well as in the mail.

For more information about Housing and moving in, please visit the housing website.

Your roommate's name and contact information will be on your room assignment notification.

If you were not assigned a room you marked as your preference, you can change your room after the room freeze period is over. Please see the housing information on this site for a more detailed explanation.

The housing site lists what you should bring.

Mailbox information

Your mailbox and mailing address will be on your room assignment letter.

Mailboxes are located on the ground floor of your building. Student mail is delivered to your mailbox Monday through Friday.

Student mailboxes are located in the lobby of each residential building. Students receive a personal mailbox number and combination or key when they move in. Mail Services personnel generally place incoming mail in mailboxes, Monday through Friday, by 4 p.m.

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