Fisheries Oceanography
The School for Marine Science & Technology's (SMAST) Department of Fisheries Oceanography (DFO) delivers quality education and conducts cutting-edge research in the interdisciplinary sciences related to the interactions between marine organisms and the marine environment.
The DFO's primary purpose is to train scientists in the techniques and theory of fisheries oceanography, with emphasis on stock assessment, population dynamics, physical and biological interaction and ecosystem modeling. Both MS and PhD programs address the growing need for marine scientists in federal and state agencies, academic institutions, and industry.
Research approaches
Research approaches employed include field exploration, laboratory experiments, theoretical research and modeling. DFO students are fully involved in all these aspects. Research areas include:
- Quantitative Fisheries Science
- Fish Behavior and Conservation Engineering
- Fisheries Biology and Assessment Laboratory
- Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Modeling Laboratory
- Marine Finfish Dynamics Research
- Marine Fisheries Field Group Research
- Marine Policy
- Marine Resource Economics
- Biological Oceanography – Plankton Ecology
For more than 20 years, New Bedford has remained the No. 1 fishing port in the country in terms of value, and cooperative research with the fishing industry is an important aspect of the work of DFO at SMAST.
Cooperative research occurs throughout the DFO in the industry-based annual sea scallop video survey, fishing gear research and design, socio-economic investigations, and research on species such as cod, herring, yellowtail flounder, winter flounder, and monkfish. Cooperative research is important for the following:
- Enriching our work with the knowledge and perspective of the fishermen
- Alerting us to issues important to the health of the industry and the stocks
- Enhancing our ability to collect high quality data
For example, the scallop industry has worked extensively with the DFO to develop the world's largest video survey data-base of the sea scallop resource, and this research has been used in in management plans since 1999.
DFO Faculty
Assistant Professor
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 123
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 121
Commonwealth Professor & Montgomery Charter Chair
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 226
Associate Professor
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 218
Assistant Research Professor
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 130
Associate Professor
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 228
Professor / Chairperson
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 127
Research Associate Professor
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology West, New Bedford 225
Professor Emeritus
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford
Chancellor Professor
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology West, New Bedford 212A
DFO Adjunct Faculty
- Armstrong, Michael: Asst. Director, Fisheries Biology, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
- Beardsley, Robert: Physical Oceanographer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Bochenek, Eleanor: Marine Scientist, Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory, Rutgers University
- Boreman, John: Director, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
- Bucklin, Ann: Head, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut
- Churchill, James: Research Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Diodati, Paul: Director, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
- Fogarty, Michael: Chief, Ecosystem Assessment Program, NOAA, NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
- Hare, Jonathan: Supervisory Marine Research Scientist, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
- Harris, Bradley: Assistant Professor of Marine Biology, Alaska Pacific University
- Jacobson, Larry: Invertebrate Resources Task Leader, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
- Ji, Rubao: Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Kritzer, Jake: Senior Marine Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund
- Link, Jason: Program Leader, Food Web Dynamics Program, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
- Mandelman, John: Research Scientist, New England Aquarium
- McGillicuddy, Dennis: Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Miller, Timothy: Research Fishery Biologist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Murawski, Steven: Director of Scientific Programs, Chief Science Advisor, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service; Research Professor, University of South Florida
- O'Keefe, Catherine: Marine Science and Policy Analyst, MA Division of Marine Fisheries
- Palka, Debra: Research Fishery Biologist, NOAA, NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
- Pierce, David: Deputy Director, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
- Rago, Paul: Chief Scientist, Population Dynamics Branch, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
- Schizas, Nicolaos;: Professor, University of Puerto Rico
- Sherman, Kenneth: Director, U.S. Large Marine Ecosystems Program
- Sissenwine, Michael: Visiting Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Skomal, Gregory: Senior Marine Fisheries Biologist, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
- Stevens, Bradley: Professor of Environmental Science, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- Thunberg, Eric: Economist, NOAA, NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
- Townsend, David: Professor of Oceanography, University of Maine
- Wahle, Rick: Research Associate Professor, Darling Marine Center, University of Maine
- Weinberg, James: Fishery Biologist, NOAA, NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
- Winger, Paul: Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resources Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
- Wu, Zhong-Xiang: Center for Exposure Assessment & Dose Reconstruction, Exponent Inc.