Research News
Senator Rodrigues and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO Emily Reichert visit the School for Marine Science and Technology (SMAST)
Interdisciplinary research center aims to support local STEM teachers
UMass Dartmouth faculty members reflect on the impact and their connections to the latest prize winners
The designation is awarded by the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) Program and the National Security Agency
Funding to enhance the university’s role and positive impact on the regional blue economy and the sustainability of vital coastal and ocean resources
Assistant professor of management receives Keyton-Brower Best Paper Award for article appearing in Small Group Research
Two class of 2024 engineering PhD graduates are moving on to highly competitive postdoctoral research and tenure-track faculty positions
The newly established Brewster Lab will focus on the effects of climate change and human activity on fishes
Scallop research set-aside programs support research while promoting collaboration between scientists and fishermen
Highlights of an extraordinary academic year
Grant aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in RI and the MA SouthCoast
David Campos Anchieta recently received the award for a paper he presented at the ASA meeting in Sydney, Australia
The civil and environmental engineering faculty member recently received her second $500K award from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Naomi Mwangi will study Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior at Emory University in Atlanta
UMassD faculty and students play prominent role in probing the history of the universe
Paper explores ecological consequences of chronic road noise near predatory environments
The $505K award provides funding for research and student training in hydrodynamics and marine technology.
A study led by Collin Capano, adjunct faculty in the Department of Physics, has been published in Physical Review Letters.
Event provides an opportunity for nursing faculty to share their research with colleagues and students who were inspired by their professors' work
Also honored with the Excellence in Family Nursing Award during annual conference that featured presentations by CNHS graduate students and faculty
PhD students lead international study on gravitational waves and black hole mergers
Associate professor of computer and information science receives grant for research on artificial intelligence and unmanned aerial vehicles
Biochemistry professor wins two R01 grants in two months
Professor of electrical and computer engineering awarded $420K for research on modeling and mitigating cascading failures in the Internet of Things.
SMAST PhD candidate is published in Marine Ecology Progress Series and featured on National Geographic TV special "Return of the White Shark."
Students earn three credits in two weeks with European peers
Associate Professor of STEM Education will conduct research in Uzbekistan during the spring semester of 2024
Associate Professor of Management & Marketing will teach in India during the spring 2024 semester
This funding will support four scallop research projects through the 2023-2024 Scallop Research Set-Aside Program.
Companies move forward in their battle against cyber threats
Professors Kristen Sethares (Adult Nursing), Vijaya Chalivendra (Mechanical Engineering), Rebecca Hutchinson (Art & Design), and Scott Field (Mathematics) all honored
Undergraduate student Mckenzie Ferrari and graduate students Benjoe Rey Visayas and Yasmin Zandomenico Vasconcelos all received awards
UMass Dartmouth undergraduate and graduate students competed in the 2023 Three Minute Thesis competition.
The latest award from the Office of Naval Research to create new marine science and technology projects
Student researchers from across campus to conduct unique research during the spring
UMass Dartmouth received a $3.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation to advance the study of cybersecurity and prepare students for future careers in the field.
Marine Science & Technology MS student Marcia Campbell stands on top of the world
The lab, formed through a Commonwealth and private partner collaboration, will explore plastics biodegradation in the environment
The grant will create opportunities for students to access cutting-edge equipment for in-demand careers in life sciences industries
Cyber-physical systems grant combines with Brigham and Women’s share to total $1.1 million in funds
John Williams, Dean of the Charlton College of Business, lands $50,000 for entrepreneurship support program
The funding will be used to create an Intelligent Industrial Robotics and Cybersecurity Testbed to support students and gain career-relevant technical experience.
Easy-to-use, not-for-profit app DiaFriend hopes to benefit diabetics in the SouthCoast and beyond
The CAREER Program is the National Science Foundation's most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education.
Seed-funding program aims to commercialize scientific breakthroughs across the five-campus UMass system
Collaborative project can lead to new ways of designing foundations and underground construction to create more efficient and reliable infrastructure
In response to evolving cybersecurity challenges, Dr. Liu and collaborators will pilot a model for the co-creation of cross-disciplinary educational content to help prepare students for success in the workforce.
Dr. Ruolin Zhou, assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, received a National Science Foundation award of $199,902 for her research project “ERI: An Adaptive Incremental Deep Learning Architecture for Real-Time Inference of RF Signals in Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Environments.”
Chancellor Fuller announces the extension of the University's Doctoral Research University - High Research Activity (R2) status
The mHealth app incorporates a holistic approach for mother-infant health by reducing the severity of post-partum depression symptoms and promoting healthy mother-infant interaction
The third award in as many years from the Office of Naval Research will further the University's research efforts in the blue economy and offshore wind sectors
The $595,485 grant from the Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) will aid future nursing students in addressing stigma towards opioid use disorder
Dr. Chalivendra received the $430,631 award from the NSF's Division of Materials Research for his“REU site: Advanced Interdisciplinary Materials Research for Maritime Applications” project, which will host a summer cohort of community college students who will conduct cutting-edge research on advanced marine materials.
Project combines noninvasive brain imaging techniques, animal behavior experiments, & signal processing models to gain a better understanding of how animals use echolocation to gather information about their environment.
Professor Scott Field Ph.D., and graduate students Tousif Islam and Feroz H. Shaik found the first evidence for a large recoil velocity from a black hole merger
Chancellor Professor Sigal Gottlieb, Ph.D. receives grant for computing cluster needed to develop and implement robust and scalable numerical algorithms
The award led by Dr. Tracie Ferreira will provide $900,000 in scholarships to prepare graduate students to excel as skilled leaders in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation in an effort to build the South Coast’s blue economy.
Award supports Seyed-Aghazadeh’s research efforts in the area of fluid dynamics, shedding light on the fundamentals of fluid-structure-surface interactions in underwater flexible bodies, including near-surface arrays of energy harvesters and underwater soft robots.
Projects were reviewed by faculty and deans and rated for their relevance and potential for external funding
Congratulations to students and faculty mentors for their research endeavors
With funding from PrimaLoft and the MassTech Collaborative, researchers bring focus to sustainability
Achilov will take residency at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Through supercomputer simulations of supernovae, Professor Fisher and colleagues will shed light on the origin of exploding stars.
Study conducted by Dr. Walaa Mogawer selected as American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2021 Sweet Sixteen High Value Research project.
Associate Professor Dr. Hua Fang awarded with first-ever NIH RO1 grant in University history
Dr. Avijit Gangopadhyay and his research team were involved in a multi-institutional research cruise for their collaborative research project funded by the National Science Foundation that seeks to unfold the impact of the changing nature of the Gulf Stream and its rings on the ecosystem in the continental shelf and slope region of the northeast U.S.
SMAST Research Assistant Professor Robert Griffin and his colleagues at Stanford University and UT Arlington explore alternative ways to manage the dramatic increase of sea-level rise affecting coastal communities.
The report is a celebration of scholarship that highlights the innovative research, and scholarly and creative activities that were conducted by UMassD students, faculty, and staff despite the pandemic.
The UMass Office of Technology Commercialization and Ventures awarded Professor Sukalyan Sengupta, Professor Amit Tandon for innovative research proposals
The Massachusetts Design Art and Technology Institute & School for Marine Science and Technology collaborate to feature an exhibit highlighting scientific archival photography pivotal in the revival of the scallop industry.
Professor of Portuguese Anna M. Klobucka to research women’s literary and cultural history in Portugal
Research efforts led by SMAST scientists at the forefront of Decision of Record for Vineyard Wind’s commercial offshore wind project–the first in the nation.
UMass Dartmouth Professors Geoffrey Cowles & Kevin Stokesbury are among NOAA Fisheries’ awardees selected to receive research set-aside funds to support research that informs fishery management and stock assessments.
Dr. Cadrin will discuss “Optimal Spatial Boundaries and Strata for Stock Assessment…and confronting practical realities” during NOAA Fisheries' National Stock Assessment Seminar on May 6.
Student researchers aim to uncover wide range of topics in novel research projects
Assistant Professors Ming Shao & Jiawei Yuan have received a $404,620 National Science Foundation award for their research experiences undergraduate site, which will intertwine AI research with cybersecurity and systems engineering in a portfolio of synergistic projects.
Twenty-one students from across the University to present at April 23 virtual event
Associate Professor Hua Fang has received a patent for her "system and methods for trajectory pattern recognition" invention, which can help aid in clinical trials, policy implementation, consumer behavior, & business intelligence.
Dr. Kevin Stokesbury's image-based, drop camera survey has been pivotal in the revival of the scallop industry, and has helped the city of New Bedford maintain its position as the nation’s No.1 fishing port for two decades.
A new study explores how the formation of cold core rings and warm core rings from the Gulf Stream has changed over the last 40 years and might have long-term effects on the ecosystem.
The annual symposium showcases marine science-related research being conducted by students, faculty, & staff across all UMass campuses.
Dr. Kevin Stokesbury has been appointed committee member of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's Environmental Studies Program by the National Academy of Sciences.
A study co-authored by UMass Dartmouth Professor Dr. Steven Cadrin has been selected as the Editor’s Choice for the ICES Journal of Marine Science.
The National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. Louhghalam $524,940 to support research that will lead to significant reductions in economic loss and negative social impacts of natural hazards.
The project, led by Associate Professor Anthony Arrigo, will explore the history of the Hoover Dam using virtual reality
Dr. Steven Cadrin receives award for his contributions to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
Michael Marino, Assistant Dean at the School for Marine Science & Technology, is the recipient of the 2020 Citation for Outstanding Performance from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.