Sociology and Anthropology Online
Complete your degree at UMassD
The UMass Dartmouth bachelor’s degree program in Sociology and Anthropology examines societies and basic institutions, as well as smaller groups such as family, peers and neighborhood. Students must select whether to concentrate in sociology or anthropology, depending on their interests and goals. This flexible program prepares students for a wide range of careers.
The UMass Dartmouth Sociology and Anthropology degree program requires students to complete 120 credits. Students are required to complete a 3-credit internship as part of the course work. The student can choose the internship institution/location and it must be approved by the sociology and anthropology department. The program includes hands-on work experience through an internship.
Students choose from two introductory courses, either Intro to Sociology or Cultural Anthropology, and complete methods and theory courses as well as an internship.
Sample Course Offerings
Examples of courses offered in the Sociology and Anthropology program include (course offerings subject to change):
- Social Impact of Science & Technology
- Health & Healing
- Food, Feast & Famine
- Race, Class, Gender & Ethnicity in the Media
- Urban Issues and Policies
Course descriptions, schedules and requirements
Customize your education and receive the help and guidance to finish as planned:
- UMassD online bachelor’s degree program ranked #7 in the nation by College Choice for most affordable online colleges
- Value and affordability of a UMass education
- Generous transfer policy
- One-on-one personal advising from enrollment through graduation
- Free online and in-person tutoring and writing center
UMass Dartmouth advanced degrees
- JD
Learning style: online
Online courses are taught by UMass Dartmouth faculty to provide high quality instruction and personal attention. Students have the flexibility to accommodate work and home responsibilities within the structure of defined assignment due dates. The majority of our online courses are taught asynchronously.