Instructions for Creating a Policy
The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Chancellor is the individual ultimately responsible for the university's policies. The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth requires all university policies to be promulgated in accord with the standards and format set forth in the Policy on Policies (GOV-C07-001A). Policies presented in the standard format will help the university accomplish its mission, maintain accountability and provide the university community with a clear explanation of how the university does business. This policy also provides for the revising and archiving of policies.
A policy is a governing set of principles that guide University practice. It helps to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, promotes operational efficiencies, enhances the University’s mission and values, and reduces institutional risks. It has broad application throughout the University community. It provides a basis for consistent decision making and resource allocation, or a method or course of action selected to guide and determine, present, and future decisions. It mandates actions or constraints and contains specific procedures to follow. In developing a University policy, consideration should be given to the implications for implementation to ensure that the intent of the policy is achievable, cost effective, and that outcomes can be measured.
Any individual (including Deans, Chairs, Center Directors, etc.), group, or campus unit at UMass Dartmouth can identify a campus-wide policy issue and accordingly request that a new policy or procedure be formulated or that changes be made to an existing one. In both cases, proposals for new or updated policies and procedures are to be submitted initially to the Vice Chancellor having primary responsibility for the policy area. If the primary responsibility rests directly with the Chancellor, the proposed policy or procedure will be submitted first to the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance (VCAF) for review and further action.
If creating a new policy, please see Guidelines for Drafting and Editing University Policy