Posting Policy for the Campus Center
Policy Number | STU-006 |
Effective Date | December 17, 2007 (Revised 2022) |
Responsible Office/Person | SAIL Office |
I. Policy Statement
The posting of information in University buildings and on bulletin boards outside of campus buildings is allowed as one means of advertising campus activities and departmental information for students. The University prohibits posting of this kind when it creates a safety concern, is deemed to likely violate the Code of Student Conduct, or is not clearly marked with a contact person’s information. Additionally, the contact person is responsible to ensure that such postings are removed once the advertised event has past. This policy statement does not supersede the policies and procedures developed by the SAIL Office for the Campus Center or the Office of Housing and Residential Education for posting in a residence hall.
II. Purpose
This policy was developed to help keep campus buildings clean, safe, and to support effective advertising efforts.
III. Definitions
Campus Center posting:
In the MacLean Campus Center, activities and events may be advertised on bulletin boards designated as such and banners may be hung from the second level to the first level. These need to be pre-approved by the SAIL Office, located on the second floor of the Campus Center (Room 215).
Campus Housing and Residential Education posting:
In campus housing spaces, the Office of Housing and Residential Education, located on the first floor of Oak Glen residence hall, will pre-approve advertisements. Each space is unique, so there may be different allowances in each hall.
Posting in other campus buildings:
Throughout the rest of the campus spaces, including spaces such as the Law School, SMAST, CIE, and the Star Store, different spaces are made available for advertising. Some serve to support an academic College or School (and are labeled as such) and others are available for general posting. Approval for these postings must be obtained from the Student Activities, Involvement & Leadership Office, located on the second floor of the Campus Center (Room 215).
IV. Procedures
The sponsoring organization (s) or person must be listed on all materials, including contact information.
Posters, banners, and passive programming (messages, pictures, displays, etc.) may remain up no more than two weeks unless special permission is sought and received.
For advertising in the Campus Center, in a campus residence hall, or elsewhere on campus, students should bring the original flyer or banner to the SAIL office and/or Housing and Residential Education Office, before making copies. The approval decisions may be made immediately or may require 24 hours to review. If approved, the advertising will receive a stamped approval. This informs University staff across campus that the advertising has been authorized and should not be removed until after the event date. Removal of advertisements is the responsibility of the contact person/organization. Failure to remove expired advertisements may result in losing the ability to post on campus.
All advertisement approval-offices reserve the right to not approve and/or remove posting materials that are deemed to create a safety concern, are deemed to likely violate the Code of Student Conduct, do not contain a sponsor and contact person’s information, or are past the date of an advertised event.
Advertising of any kind is not permitted without special exception:
In elevators, around elevator doors and buttons, on doors and windows, on walls (other than bulletin boards), on ceilings or floors, on fire doors, and over exit signs or any electric light fixtures or switches. Anything posted in these areas (unless special exception is received) will be promptly removed by University staff.
V. Responsibility
Questions or concerns regarding the posting policies may be directed to the Student Activities, Leadership and Involvement Office (SAIL,) or the Office of Housing and Residential Education.
VI. Attachments
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