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Electronic Publications Use Policy

Policy Number LIB-008
Effective Date September 11, 2010
Responsible Office/Person Library

Use of many of these resources is governed by license agreements, which restrict access to the UMass Dartmouth community, and to individuals at the UMass Dartmouth Library. The content of the various resources is copyrighted and it is the responsibility of each user to make use of them in a manner that would not infringe the copyright or other proprietary rights therein. Specific products may have additional contractual restrictions. Inappropriate use could violate the terms of the various license agreements with the publisher, content provider or consortia arrangements.

Electronic or printed copies are permitted, provided that such copies are for the personal use of authorized users, and do not result in commercial distribution or re-distribution to unauthorized users. Substantial or systematic reproduction by users is not permitted.

It is important that each user realize their individual responsibility to employ these products appropriately for their individual, non-commercial use, and that they not violate or otherwise try to circumvent this general policy or the specific product licenses. Such violations by individual users could result in the licensor's withdrawal of access to ALL UMass Dartmouth community users.

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