Digital Camera Lending Program (DCLP)
Policy Number | LIB-007 |
Effective Date | September 11, 2010 |
Responsible Office/Person | Library |
PhotoGraphics Services
Digital Camera Lending Program FAQ
The Library PhotoGraphics Service's Digital Camera Lending Program (DCLP) is a LSIRT pilot project developed in concert with the Mobile Computing Lending Program (MCLP). The digital cameras and the support provided by PhotoGraphics Services as a part of this program represents a new investment in both equipment and staff responisibilities. As a pilot project/service, the DCLP services and duties must remain secondary to Photographic Services main mission. Your respect for the equipment, the staff, and the rights of other patrons of this service will be greatly appreciated.
Q: I heard you are lending out digital cameras?
A: Yes, as part of a pilot project funded by UMass Dartmouth’s Information Technology Bond resources, we have acquired two (2) digital cameras. This equipment is located in the PhotoGraphics department on the lower level of the library.
Q: Who can check-out this equipment?
A: The DCLP equipment is available only to UMD students, faculty and staff with a VALID up-to-date UMass Pass. Your UMass Pass must also have a library barcode on it, and your university status must also be current in the UMD Library online circulation system. If you have any blocks on your library record, you will not be able to borrow the DCLP equipment until the blocks are cleared. Special Borrowers, alumni, and visiting scholars are not eligible.
Q: What do I have to do to borrow this equipment?
A: The equipment is located in the PhotoGraphics department on the lower level of the library and is only available during lending hours. To check-out the DCLP equipment you must sign a check-out form stating that you have read the policies and procedures for borrowing this equipment and that you agree to abide by them. It requires that you agree to be responsible for the equipment, while it is checked-out to you. There is also a brief equipment check procedure to show you how it works, and that it is all in good working order before you “sign it out” and become responsible for it. Similarly when you bring it back, you must go throught a brief check-in procedure with a PhotoGraphics staff member to ensure that everything is in good working order. You cannot just leave the camera and equipment on the PhotoGraphics counter or elsewhere in the library.
Q: How do I get my pictures?
A: PhotoGraphics staff will, time permitting (usually while you wait or within 24 hours), transfer the images to a blank CD-R or CD-RW disk provided by the borrower (or PhotoGraphics can provide a disk at the cost of $1.00).
Note: PhotoGraphics Services is not responsible for any computer files lost due to computer malfunctions.
Q: When can I check out the camera?
A: Equipment can be checked-out from PhotoGraphics Services between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday and must be returned one hour before the department closes. Please note that there will be times when department staff are on assignments and therefore, will not be available to attend to you. Please try at a later time. Usually, a return time will be posted on the department door. We are sorry for this inconvience.
Q: How long can the camera be checked out and can it be renewed?
A: The digital cameras can be checked-out for up to 3 hours and may be renewed only if there is another camera available for other patrons. Renewal is not guaranteed regardless of circumstances.
Q: Can the digital cameras be reserved?
A: No, the digital camera equipment will be checked out on a first come, first served basis. As a result, there is no guarantee that equipment will be available at any specific time. Remember that the digital camera lending program relies on borrowers returning equipment within the allotted time and in good working order.
Q: Can I check-out the digital camera equipment if I have library overdues?
A: Generally the equipment can not be checked-out by a patron that already has overdue materials or owes fines. Other blocks such as materials declared lost and billed to patron will also restrict a patron’s ability to borrow a camera.
Q: What if I bring it back late, break it or lose it?
A: Fines and charges will be assessed according to the following (the University reserves the right to change the fee structure and policies listed here without notice):
- Overdue fines are automatically charged to the patron’s library record.
- DCLP equipment begins to accrue fines at the rate of $2.50 per 15 minutes and $10.00 per hour overdue to a maximum of the cost of the equipment plus processing fees.
- There is a replacement charge plus a processing fee for damage to or the loss of the DCLP equipment or the peripherals issued up to the replacement cost for the item(s).
- If the DCLP equipment or its peripherals are damaged, or if parts are missing, your library borrowing privileges will be suspended and you will be charged for the repair or replacement of the DCLP equipment.
Note: Remember, this DCLP check-out is a privilege that can be revoked if the agreed to rules are not followed or time limits are too often abused. The University reserves the right to deny check-out privileges indefinitely based on your actions in regards to the policies and guidelines. You are responsible for the equipment according to the policies listed on the check-out document you sign.
Q: Where can the DCLP equipment be used?
A: The digital camera equipment is available for use on the UMass Dartmouth main and satellite campuses only. It is not for "off-site" use regardless of purpose.
Q: What if I need further help?
A: There will be a brief training session on the basic use of the digital camera for the first time borrower. However, you are expected to be self-directed in your use of the DCLP equipment. Given the limited staff resources, this pilot project must assume that borrowers are willing and able to learn anything beyond the basic instructions on their own. An instruction sheet will be included with the equipment in the check-out process.
- For questions on the availability and use of graphics software for use with the images after transfer see the University Computing Services Departments for help.
- For help moving images into CyberED or the CourseBuilder and Intralearn learning managament systems, etc., check the UMD Course Server page or call the CyberEd Help Desk (508-999-8501) or email (LMS problems) or (general server problems)
- DCLP hardware problems and additional questions should be directed to PhotoGraphics Staff at 508-999-8693 or 508-999-8694.
Q: Who’s responsible for this equipment after I check it out?
A: The individual who reads the documents and signs the check-out forms is responsible for full replacement costs and any charges for damages to the digital camera and the accompanying equipment should they occur. The equipment, once checked-out, becomes the total responsibility of the patron checking it out and therefore care should be used while it is in your possession. It should NEVER be left unattended even for a few moments. Portable equipment is an easy target for theft.
Q: Who is in charge of this program and whom can I contact if I have questions or concerns?
A: The Digital Camera Lending Program (DCLP) is a pilot project developed through the PhotoGraphics Services department with the help of other members of the LSIRT (Library Services, Information Resources and Technology) division.
PhotoGraphics Services
Manny Pereira, Coordinator, PhotoGraphics Services
(508) 999-8694
(508) 999-8693
PhotoGraphics Services Staff:
D Confar
Heather Tripp
Justin Maucione
Web pages:
PhotoGraphics: /policies/photographics.html
DCLP: /policies/dclpfaq.html