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Circulation Desk Guidelines

Policy Number LIB-006
Effective Date September 11, 2010
Responsible Office/Person Library

Access Services Circulation Desk Guidelines

The Circulation Desk, newly renovated, is a blend of several different library functions, including circulation of books and audio/visual materials, reserve readings and audio/visual equipment requests and pickups.

Eligible borrowers consist of UMass Dartmouth faculty, staff, students and alumni, registered students from all Massachusetts state schools, members of the Boston Library Consortium as well as other consortia and Massachusetts residents of at least high school age.

Types of library materials that may be borrowed are audio/visual materials, books from the general and Browsing collections, government publications and maps. Several types of material are for Library use only, such as Reference books, periodicals and Archives & Special Collections materials.

Audio/visual equipment is available for use by UMD faculty, staff and students only. All scheduling requests must be submitted to the Circulation Desk or called in to the Scheduling Desk at 999-8688. This is best done by reserving the items by 2 pm of the business day (Mon.-Fri.) before the items are needed. On demand services are provided on a first come, first served basis and cannot always be honored. Valid identification (UMass Pass) is required.

The types of AV equipment are: audiocassette recorders, camcorders (students must have written permission from a faculty member), computer projection panels, data video projectors, overhead projectors, cassette/CD players, screens, slide projectors and VCR's/ monitors on carts.

Reserve readings are books, articles and audio/visual materials that have been set aside by faculty for use in the Library. Permanent Reserve material is a collection of high demand and/or costly items which are kept at the Circulation Desk for greater security.

For more information on these or other topics, please refer to the Materials Borrowing Policy , the Reserve Collection Policy or visit the Circulation Desk on the first floor.

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