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Student Printing Policy

Policy Number ITS-004
Effective Date November 01, 2019
Responsible Office/Person CITS
Additional History

This policy updates ITS-004 dated July 1, 2000 LIB-015 is superseded by this policy.

I. Policy Statement

The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth holds students accountable for their print usage.

II. Purpose

The Student Printing Policy aims to reduce toner and paper waste by requiring print jobs to be released and eliminating scrap prints.

III. Procedures

Every semester, each student is loaded a print allotment onto their UMassPass. Students send their print materials to a print management queue. Then the students release the materials by swiping their UMassPass for printing on one of the student print stations across campus. The print allotment will be reduced by the number of printed pages.

IV. Responsibility

Computing & Information Technology Services {CITS) has overall responsibility for implementation of this policy.

V. Attachments

For more details about printing allotment and printing locations see

VI. Approval

Dr. Mohammad Karim, Provost/COO

Dr. Robert E. Johnson, Chancellor

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