Email Communications Policy
Policy Number | ITS-002 |
Effective Date | November 01, 2019 |
Responsible Office/Person | Administration & Finance |
Related Policies |
I. Policy
The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth has established email as a means of sending official information to enrolled students.
II. Purpose
This policy is designed to formalize the use of electronic email for official University of Massachusetts Dartmouth communications.
Ill. Procedures
The university provides an email account to all active University of Massachusetts Dartmouth employees and students.
The university has the right to expect that email communications will be received and read in a timely fashion in support of academic and business processes. All email account holders are expected to check their university email on a frequent and consistent basis to ensure they are staying current with all official communications.
IV. Responsibility
Computing & Information Technology Services (CITS) has overall responsibility for implementation of this policy.
The CITS Access Management team is responsible for distributing and maintaining official University of Massachusetts Dartmouth email addresses.
The content of official communications is the responsibility of the originating department.
Individuals using email are expected to adhere to the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy (ITS-001) and the Information Security Policy (ITS-006).
V. Approval
David Gingerella, VCAF
Dr. Mohammad Karim, Provost/COO
Dr Robert E. Johnson, Chancellor
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