Administrative Delegation - Chancellor
Policy Number | Unnumerated |
Effective Date | December 19, 1992 |
Responsible Office/Person | Board of Trustees |
Executive Task Force
December 19, 1991
1. General Counsel of the University or his designee may settle claims of up to $20,000 on behalf of any campus of the University;
2. Such settlements will be paid from campus funds under the jurisdiction of the Campus Chancellor and staff;
3. At the point of settlement, in effect, before a final commitment is made the Campus Chancellor will be asked to approve the settlement;
4. Once the Campus Chancellor has approved a settlement and such a settlement is agreed upon, Counsel will request the Campus Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance to provide Counsel with the settlement payment;
5. Settlements exceeding $20,000 will process through the appropriate state financing, procedures involving the State Comptroller and State Administration and Finance.
6. This policy in no ways absolves the State from overall responsibility in those instances where legitimate claims can be made on State appropriated resources. The purpose of the policy is to allow a mechanism where small settlements can be quickly resolved and payment made.
Passed by the Board
April 8, 1992
To authorize the President of the University to delegate to the Chancellor of each campus the authority to exempt certain athletic coaches, as the President deems necessary, from any and all provisions of Trustee Document T73-090, as amended (including any moratorium with respect thereto) and any other similar policy that may be applicable, and to enter into agreements with said coaches, including all terms and conditions of employment.
Passed by the Board
June 3, 1992
To approve the University's Policy for the Management of University Funds (Doc. T92-031), as described in the executive summary, which includes the following delegations of authority: To delegate to the President, each Chancellor, the Vice President for Management and Fiscal Affairs/Treasurer, the Vice Chancellors for Administration and Finance, and the Controllers and their designees, the authority to authorize payments on the University systems on behalf of the University consistent with Doc. T92-031. To delegate to the President of the University the following purchasing authority, with authority to redelegate solely to the Chancellors, their designee(s), or such other officers as the President sees fit:
- Authority to enter into contracts for labor and materials exceeding $25,000.
- Authority to enter into leases of equipment for periods exceeding one year irrespective of amount.
- Authority to enter into leases of real property with specific Board of Trustee and the Division of Capital Planning and Operations approval.
To delegate to the President of the University and the Chancellors the following
purchasing authority for University-wide or President's Office matters and campus matters, respectively, with authority to redelegate to the Treasurer, purchasing directors and such other officers as they see fit:
- Authority to sign purchase orders irrespective of type or amount.
- Authority to enter into leases of equipment for periods which do not exceed one year, irrespective of amount.
- Authority to enter into contracts for labor and materials and contracts for services under $25,000.
To delegate to the President of the University, with authority to redelegate solely to the Chancellors:
- Authority to contract for professional services to be performed for the particular campus by consultants and other persons engaged other than in an employment status where the amount to be expended for professional services under any such contract shall not exceed $100,000 in any fiscal year.
- Authority to sign and deliver all papers and documents relating to the contracting as aforesaid for services of non-employees.
To delegate to the President of the University, with authority to redelegate to the
Chancellors, who may subdelegate such authority as they determine
- Authority to contract for professional services to be performed for the particular campus by consultants and other persons engaged other than in an employment status where the amount to be expended for professional services under any such contract shall not exceed $50,000 in any fiscal year.
- Authority to sign and deliver all papers and documents relating to the contracting as aforesaid for services of, or engaging as aforesaid, non- employees. All contracts for professional services in an amount to exceed $10,000 in a fiscal year should be reviewed for form and content by the appropriate campus Counsel.
Passed by the Board
June 3, 1992
To delegate to the President of the University authority for all labor relations, including negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and contract administration. The President may delegate contract administration to the Chancellors of the campuses who may delegate this further as they deem appropriate. The Board of Trustees shall be consulted prior to the beginning of negotiations and kept informed, through the Executive Committee, of the progress of negotiations. The composition of administration bargaining teams shall be largely drawn from the appropriate campus or campuses through consultation with the Chancellor or Chancellors. Further, that this item be revisited by the Executive Committee at its October meeting. (Doc. T92-054)
Passed by the Board
February 3, 1993
To delegate to the Chancellors of the respective campuses, with authority to further delegate to the Provost or a Vice Chancellor, the authority to approve graduation lists of students who have completed requirements for the award of University degrees. The Chancellors shall regularly forward copies of the graduation lists to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. The appropriate University degree shall be awarded in the name of the Trustees to each student on said lists without further vote of the Board. (Doc. T93-017)
Passed by the Board
February 3, 1993
To delegate to the President, with authority to re-delegate solely to the Chancellors, the authority to appoint, subject to the President's approval, Vice Chancellors, Provosts, and Deans of their respective campuses. Further, to amend the Governance Document (Doc.T73-098, as amended) by deleting from the first sentence of Section II. C.3. the words "with the concurrence of the President and the Board of Trustees" and inserting in place thereof the words "upon delegation by the President." Any policies, rules or regulations (or any part thereof) currently in effect in the University which are inconsistent herewith are hereby rescinded. (Doc. T93-018)
Passed by the Board
February 3, 1993
To delegate to the President, with authority to re-delegate to the Chancellors, the
authority to waive for all professional staff any service obligation following professional improvement leave. Further, to amend the Personnel Policy for Professional Non- Academic Staff (Doc. T73-090, as amended) by deleting from the last sentence in Paragraph F of the "Professional Improvement" Section the words "the Board of Trustees" and inserting in place thereof the words "an authorized officer of the University." Any policies, rules or regulations (or any part thereof) currently in effect in the University which are inconsistent herewith are hereby rescinded. (Doc. T93-019)
•New Endowment Funds
Doc. T98-048
Passed by the Board
June 3, 1998
To delegate to the Chancellors of the University of Massachusetts the authority to establish endowment funds for the campuses consisting of principal amounts less than $500,000; Chancellors shall request the University of Massachusetts Foundation to manage the investment of those endowments on behalf of the University. Future requests for the establishment of such endowment funds of $500,000 or greater will continue to be presented to the Board of Trustees for acceptance.