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The purpose of FacultyMETRIX is to connect UMassD faculty to regional, national and international education indicators relevant to improving teaching in the classroom, scholarly work in education, and facilitating a data-based conversation among professors, administrators and students about trends in college education.

The links below are organized in three groups: regional and national (USA), international (the world relevant to and/or comparable with the USA education system), and reports, tables and graphs (data for effective and summarized use). The materials included in the links below might be copyrighted, proper used is advised.



State of "State of Science Standards" in New England: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.

Trends & Indicators: Continually Updated Stats on New England’s Education and Economy

Science and Engineering Indicators (NSF)

National Center for Education Statistics 

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) of the National Science Foundation 

US Census Bureau Statistics on Education 

NIH Funding Statistics on BioMedical Workforce (includes power point presentations)

Facts and Figures from The Chronicle of Higher Education 

Pew Research Center 

Scientists and Belief: The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life 

Education Gallup Poll 

Most Americans see college as essential to getting a good job 

U.S.' Least, Most Educated Most Likely to Find Jobs in 2010 

Americans Support Federal Involvement in Education 

 U.S. Young Adults Admit Too Much Time on Cell Phones, Web 



Programme for International Student Assessment PISA

Education at a Glance Reports from OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2001-present)

International Education Statistics 

Trends in International Student Mobility see also REPORT

Global Education Digest 2011 (pdf report) 

UNESCO Institute for Statistics 

Education and employment and unemployment in Europe



2012: The Condition of Education, US Department of Education and National Center for Education Statistics

2012: The State of State Science Standards

2012: Yale, Climate Change in the American Mind

2011: Education pays in higher earnings and lower unemployment rates 

2011: How America pays for college (report)

Mapping the Measure of America

Education Statistics graphs 


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