S.T.E.P. Up Events
S.T.E.P. Up: Students Transitioning to Excellence & Professionalism
First-year nursing and MLS majors are expected to participate in all mandatory events, including: S.T.E.P. Up Welcome BBQ and S.T.E.P. Up Saturday Summit. Both events provide students in the College of Nursing & Health Sciences (CNHS) with opportunities to meet and connect with upper-level and first-year CNHS students, as well as CNHS faculty and staff. As a result of participation in both S.T.E.P. Up events, students will:
- feel welcomed to the College
- become an active participant in building an inclusive first-year college community
- start examining the source of their own motivation (intrinsic or extrinsic) for being a healthcare professional
- learn to communicate effectively to develop relationships, manage conflicts, and work across differences
- know how to manage their time effectively
- know how to utilize on-campus and on-line resources for first-year success and commit to using them prior to the end of September
- learn to exhibit ethical behavior, including a commitment to social justice, engaging in social responsibility, and serving as a positive change agent
- learn healthy coping mechanisms by creating effective, long-term strategies to deal with stressors associated with life responsibilities