The Team
The team has extensive leadership experience, research training, nurse educator expertise, clinical experience, and simulation training. Each of the PIs have successfully administered numerous projects (e.g. team building, mentoring, IRB, budget), collaborated with researchers from other disciplines, and produced several peer-reviewed publications and presentations from each project. As a result of these previous experiences, they value the importance of honest communication, realistic deadlines and an adequate budget. The proposed project builds logically on their strengths as expert nurse educators, skilled researchers, effective leaders and productive team members.
UMass Dartmouth Team
Associate Professor / Chairperson
College of Nursing & Health Sciences / Adult
Modular Unit #5 005
Dr. Viveiros has extensive experience teaching with high fidelity simulations. She has expertise in simulation design, the capabilities of our simulation center, and experience with simulation measurement tools/resources. She has worked with multi-disciplinary simulation research teams to promote safety in the healthcare setting.
College of Nursing & Health Sciences / Adult
Textiles 017
Professor McCurry is a board-certified adult and acute care nurse practitioner. She has held numerous leadership positions in the college and has training and expertise in nursing education, multivariate statistics, advanced practice nursing and OUD.
Associate Professor
College of Nursing & Health Sciences / Community
Dion 202A
Dr. Schuler is a board-certified family nurse practitioner and nurse educator. She has experience teaching with simulation and research with undergraduate and graduate education. She has a program of research that focuses on understanding stigma and nursing in patients with OUD. She is actively practicing as a nurse practitioner working with patients with OUD.
Assistant Professor
College of Nursing & Health Sciences / Adult
Textiles 005
Mirinda Tyo, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and a board-certified trauma nurse, clinical educator, and nurse leader. She has over 20 years of clinical expertise caring for patients with chronic illness. Her program of research focuses on understanding the experiences of family members impacted by chronic illnesses and the factors that influence their health and wellbeing, such as caregiver burden, caregiver resilience, stress, and stigma. Family caregivers represent a large underserved population and her research goal is for healthcare providers and policy makers to better understand how to help family caregivers improve their resilience and quality of life, so they can continue with essential caregiving duties.
Graduate Students
Research Assistant
Danielle DeGonge is a graduate research assistant at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and a student in the Nursing PhD program. She previously received her MSN in Nursing Informatics. Danielle has prior research experience as an undergraduate research assistant and as a registered nurse working on early-phase oncology clinical trials.
Undergraduate Students
My name is Samuel D’Atri, and I am a senior in the College of Nursing & Health Sciences at UMass Dartmouth. My interests are nursing and healthcare informatics. I am a member of the Chinese Student & Scholars Association, which is on campus. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music and traveling.
My name is Chloe Naff, I am a senior in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program with a minor in Aging and Health and a Massachusetts Commonwealth Honors Scholar. My research interests include helping those with substance use disorders in a variety of different ways. I am the secretary of the Student Nurses Association on campus as well as a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and an Emergency Room Tech at a community hospital.
My name is Queyka (Kayeekuh) SaintLouis and I am an undergraduate student-nurse at UMass Dartmouth. I am an honors student and a student leader with my university’s chapter of New England Regional Black Nurses Association. After graduation in May 2024, I hope to practice in the adolescent population across various settings. Nursing research is also part of my plans after graduation.
My name is Jack Viveiros, I am a senior in the Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program. My research interests are energy development and system design. I’m a part of the SOLIDWORKS club, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Society of Machining Engineers (SME) which are on campus, and I enjoy playing video games in my free time.
Research Assistant
Brianna Kauranen is a research assistant at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where she is currently enrolled for her Master’s in Psychological Research. She has extensive research training and is active in several studies under Dr. Tyo relating to coping and resilience of family caregivers for persons struggling with substance use disorder