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Areas of research

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Faculty members in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences are engaged in research activities in three broad areas:

  • chronic illness: living with chronic illness, experiences of caregivers, management of chronic illness and symptoms
  • nursing education: outcomes and evaluation, innovations in nursing education, nursing workforce preparation and retention
  • global health: working with vulnerable populations, creating sustainable partnerships, health promotion and health policy, "global/local" health

Support for this work comes from a variety of sources:

  • the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
  • the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education
  • professional groups, foundations, and community agencies 

Medical Laboratory Science

Our Medical Laboratory Science faculty are engaged in research in the following areas:

  • health and diversity
  • pathophysiology: hormone levels in response to stress, bleeding and clotting disorders
  • infectious disease: emerging infectious disease, infection prevention and control, prospective antimicrobial products against biofilm formation, collabrations with the UMass Dartmouth Cranberry Health Research Center

Office of Nursing Research

Students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels have opportunities to work with faculty on research projects. See Office of Nursing Research for grant development information.

Faculty expertise

Our faculty are recognized experts in their fields and are actively involved in service projects in southeastern Massachusetts and beyond. They serve as consultants for our practice partners and professional groups. Faculty members are frequently invited speakers at professional meetings and present peer-reviewed poster and podium presentations throughout the U.S. They publish regularly in a variety of professional journals. Many faculty also volunteer for local, regional, national, and international health initiatives.

Selected publications

Jackson, K. J., Pomarico, V., Tomlinson, S., & Klotzbaugh, R (2025).
Faculty beliefs and gender-affirming hormone therapy in NP curricula
Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 21, 105237.

Kristopher Jackson
Kristopher Jackson

Boyden, G., Brisbois, M.D., Foli, K., & Kellogg, M. (2024).
Understanding Resilience Among Generation Z Baccalaureate Nursing Students: A Hermeneutical Phenomenology Study.
Journal of Nursing Education, 63, 460–469.

Maryellen Brisbois
Maryellen Brisbois

Whitfield, M., Bleah, P., Concepcion Bachynski, J., Macdonald, D., Klein, T., Ross-White, A., Mimirinis, M., & Wilson, R. (2024).
Capability as a concept in advanced practice nursing and education: A scoping review
JBI Evidence Synthesis, 22(9)

Martha Whitfield
Martha Whitfield

Boyden, G.-L., & Brisbois, M. (2023).
Psychological trauma among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic with strategies for healing and resilience: An integrative review.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 00, 1–30.

Gerri-Lyn Boyden
Gerri-Lyn Boyden

Mammen, JR, Speck, RM, Stebbins, GT…Adams, JL. (2023).
Mapping relevance of digital measures to meaningful symptoms and impacts in early Parkinson's Disease
Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, 13(4), 589-607.

Jennifer Mammen
Jennifer Mammen

McCurry, M.K., Avery-Desmarais, S., Schuler, M., Tyo, M., Viveiros, J., & Kauranen, B. (2023).
Perceived stigma, barriers, and facilitators experienced by members of the opioid use disorder community when seeking healthcare.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 55, 701-710.

Jennifer Viveiros
Jennifer Viveiros

Gramling, K. & Elliott, K. (2023).
Caring Praxis: Responding to Persons with Opioid Use Disorder.
Journal of Human Caring

Kathleen Elliott
Kathleen Elliott

Mary Rose McDonough & Danielle Leone Sheehan (2023).
“You’re on a rollercoaster, just hold on:” The Lived Experience of the Dyad Following a Fetal Death
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice

Mary Rose McDonough
Mary McDonough

Posmontier, B., Geller, P., Horowitz, J., Elgohail, M., Chiarello, L. (2022).
Intensive perinatal mental health programs in the United States: A call to action
Psychiatric Services, TBA

June Andrews Horowitz, uploaded 2/3/22
June Andrews Horowitz

Sethares, K.A., & Asselin, M.E. (2022).
Use of exam wrapper metacognitive strategy to promote student self-assessment of learning: An integrative review.
Nurse Educator, 37-41

Kristen Sethares
Kristen Sethares

Gunberg-Ross, J., Silver-Dunker, K., Duprey, M., Parsons, T., Bartell, D. & Humphries, L. (2022).
The Use of Simulation for Clinical Nursing Faculty Orientation: A Multisite Study
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Journal, 63, 23-30.

Melissa Duprey
Melissa Duprey

Schuler, M., Brown Tyo, M., Barnett, K. (2021).
Nursing student perceptions of required online educational programs utilized outside the classroom
Nurse Education Today, 105

Karen Barnett
Karen Barnett

Schuler, M., Tyo, M., & Barnett, K. (2021).
Nursing Student Perceptions of Required Online Educational Programs Utilized Outside the Classroom
Nurse Education Today

Monika Schuler
Monika Schuler

LeSeure, P. & Panyoyai P. (2021).
Health Promotion Innovation for Patients with Chronic Illness in Community
Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses, 22, 31-40.

Peeranuch LeSeure
Peeranuch LeSeure

Barnett, K. & Rosha, R. (2021).
CNHS Diversity Pipeline Programs and Outcomes [Poster Presentation]
Diversity Pipeline Programs (DPP) Community-Based Training & Practice Meeting, virtual

Rekha Rosha
Rekha Rosha

Seney, V; Insana, J.; Alberto, A. & Hay, J. (2020).
Development of Opioid Education Training for Pediatric Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 33, 141-147.

Valerie Seney

Miraglia, C., March Mistler, J., & Baird, G. (2020).
Hand Hygiene Practices, Attitudes, and Microbial Hand Populations of Practicing Doctors of Chiropractic
Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 19, 9-20.

James March Mistler
James March Mistler

Desroches, M. L., Fisher, K., Ailey, S., & Stych, J. (in press).
"We were absolutely in the dark": Manifest content analysis of developmental disability nurses' experiences during the early COVID-19 pandemic."
Global Qualitative Nursing Research

Melissa Desroches
Melissa Desroches

Tyo, M., McCurry, M. K., Horowitz, J., Elliott, K.
Predictors of Resilience and Burden in Family Caregivers of Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder
Journal of Addictions Nursing

Mary McCurry
Mary Mccurry

Tyo, M., and McCurry, M. K. (2018).
Nursing Education Perspectives
Nursing Education Perspectives, 40, 11-17.

Mirinda Tyo
Mirinda Tyo

Doherty, D.P., & Hunter Revell, S.M., McCurry, M.K., & Asselin, M. ((in press)).
Exploring the charge nurse role transition: A qualitative study of the novice’s perspective.
Journal of Nursing Professional Development.

Susan Hunter Revell
Susan Hunter Revell
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