Four students volunteered in Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) as part of a nursing project, receiving praise from local and state officials
Online graduate programs in business make significant strides
Pinning ceremony celebrates graduates' achievement of earning their nursing degrees
UMassD's BSN program recognized among top 10% of programs in U.S. News and World Report Best Colleges rankings
Highlights of an extraordinary academic year
U.S. News & World Report rankings reflect the university's growing momentum
From Portugal to Panama, UMassD students use spring break to make a difference
Sophomore nursing students celebrate their transition to clinical education
UMassD's online MS in Nursing program recognized among top 5% of programs in U.S. News and World Report Best Colleges rankings
Students will take nursing courses at the University of Seville to stay on track with their major while immersed in Spanish culture
Accelerated program graduates reach a 94% pass rate as both programs exceed the national average
Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program graduates receive their nursing pins after completing the 17-month program
Grant of $750,000 for professional laboratory equipment was awarded by the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center to prepare students for in-demand life sciences careers
Event provides an opportunity for nursing faculty to share their research with colleagues and students who were inspired by their professors' work
Also honored with the Excellence in Family Nursing Award during annual conference that featured presentations by CNHS graduate students and faculty
The college's standing in the most recent U.S. News & World Report rankings attributed to "supportive and inclusive" student learning
The college's standing in the most recent U.S. News & World Report rankings attributed to "supportive and inclusive" student learning
When Sousa’s doctoral thesis exposed overwhelming evidence that pointed to mothers in recovery needing an outspoken advocate, she didn’t hesitate to rise to the occasion.
Event designed to prepare future nurses and health care workers and to share information with the community
Recognized as an advocate for affordable child care
The free mobile app is geared toward those of Portuguese descent to help them in managing and treating their disease
A year full of momentum, accomplishments, and successes
Stands among the top 13% of nation’s nursing schools for Best Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Programs
UMass Dartmouth’s Medical Laboratory Science major achieves 100% graduation, employment, and national certification examination pass rates for the Class of 2021
Tajaun Francis ’23 will intern at the Mayo Clinic while Taonga Horace ’23 will work at UMass Chan Medical School
While their nursing education was interrupted by the pandemic, 90 students proudly received their nursing pins in a time-honored ceremony
The mHealth app incorporates a holistic approach for mother-infant health by reducing the severity of post-partum depression symptoms and promoting healthy mother-infant interaction
The $595,485 grant from the Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) will aid future nursing students in addressing stigma towards opioid use disorder
A return to campus brought UMass Dartmouth together to achieve new heights
Nursing students are encouraged to utilize available resources to finish the semester strong
First national ranking for the college places CNHS among the best 100 U.S. nursing schools
International collaborations will benefit CNHS faculty and graduate students
Award recognizes exemplary teaching and service across five UMass campuses
The College of Nursing and Health Sciences will continue to advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion within our chosen healthcare professions, amongst our student body, and within society at large
Students who completed their degrees at the start of the pandemic exceed the national average on NCLEX exam