2024 2024: Become the 2024 UMass Dartmouth Newman Civic Fellow

2024 2024: Become the 2024 UMass Dartmouth Newman Civic Fellow
Become the 2024 UMass Dartmouth Newman Civic Fellow

Fellowship provides firsthand experience in civic life and problem solving for communites

Student leaders gather for group photo
UMassD’s 2023 Newman Civic Fellow Gent Haviari (third from the left) with other fellows at the annual Newman Civic Fellow meeting in Boston

Applications are now open to become this year’s UMass Dartmouth Newman Civic Fellow. The Newman Civic Fellowship is a year-long program that acknowledges and supports student public problem solvers at Campus Compact member institutions. Throughout the fellowship year, Campus Compact provides students with opportunities to nurture their leadership skills and develop strategies for social change, fostering a network of connected and engaged student leaders.

“The Newman Civic Fellowship allowed me to connect with students across the country working on awesome projects on their campuses. Issues like hunger, homelessness, mental health, poverty, and many others were all being tackled by students from many states in their communities,” said Gent Haviari, UMass Dartmouth’s 2023 Newman Civic Fellow. “The Fellowship also gave me some lifetime professional contacts who specialize in civic engagement careers that are helpful for any UMass Dartmouth student looking to work in public service or solve public problems.”

Apply today!

Student Gent Haviari posing for photo
Gent Haviari at the annual Newman Civic Fellow meeting in Boston

The Fellowship, named after Campus Compact Founder Frank Newman, aims to recognize and support students dedicated to creating positive, long-term social change. This Fellowship is designed for individuals like you who actively engage in collaborative efforts, address inequality and political polarization issues, and demonstrate a strong motivation for effective civic engagement.

In the fall, Haviari attended the annual Newman Civic Fellowship meeting where he met other fellows and engaged in discussions on how to nurture a civic identity, how to destigmatize collective care, and how to increase civic engagement.

“We had many discussions around the idea of how we can make civic engagement work for everyone. We want to bring more people into the fold and get more people from all walks of life engaging with their community. This should not be forgotten while we do our work,” said Haviari.

If you have any questions or need further information about this unique opportunity, please contact Medora LaPlante. The deadline for applications is February 2, 2024. Learn more about the Newman Civic Fellowship.