2023 2023: Stephanie McGoldrick receives Manning Prize for teaching excellence

2023 2023: Stephanie McGoldrick receives Manning Prize for teaching excellence
Stephanie McGoldrick receives Manning Prize for teaching excellence

Assistant Teaching Professor of Interior Architecture + Design recognized for exemplary teaching and service

Stephanie McGoldrick, Professor of Interior Architecture and Design

UMass Dartmouth Assistant Teaching Professor of Interior Architecture + Design, Stephanie McGoldrick, has been awarded the 2023 Manning Prize for Excellence in Teaching, awarded for exceptional dedication to students and the university. Each year, one faculty member from each UMass campus is chosen in recognition of their deep commitment to academic excellence.

UMass Lowell alumni Rob and Donna Manning established the Manning Prize in 2016 to honor UMass professors who excel in teaching and service. "Dedicated teaching, service, and mentorship are all hallmarks of UMass faculty excellence," said Rob Manning, former Chairman of the UMass Board of Trustees. "As first-generation college graduates, Donna and I felt the positive impact faculty role models had on us as we were beginning our journeys, so we're proud to recognize these five exemplary teachers who are inspiring the next generation of UMass students."

McGoldrick, MA, NCIDQ, IDEC, LEED AP BD+C, joined UMass Dartmouth in 2018, helping to launch the Interior Architecture + Design (IAD) program that relocated from Mount Ida College. She teaches courses that range from lighting design to design studios and professional practice courses. One hundred percent of the class of 2021 and class of 2022 IAD students reported full-time employment within six months of graduating.

This award lauds McGoldrick's successful integration of experiential learning and service-learning opportunities into many of her classes, for which she was also awarded the Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Community Service Award and the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Impact Stipend last year. Environmental sustainability and inclusive design are critical components of her courses and points of genuine passion.

"I was humbled when notified that my students had nominated me for this prestigious award," said McGoldrick. "It shows me they value the unique experiences that I work to create in the classroom and beyond. This recognition reflects my students' curiosity and passion for design, as well as the support shown to me by colleagues, mentors, and family. It is such a privilege to teach these students and to be part of the faculty at UMass Dartmouth."

Each UMass campus holds a selection process consisting of both student and peer input, and winners receive $10,000 awards in recognition of their commitment to academic excellence and exemplary dedication to their students and university.

"Stephanie has been an instrumental part of the team that built the IAD program here," said College of Visual & Performing Arts Dean, A. Lawrence Jenkens. "She is an amazing teacher and colleague and is widely admired by our current students and alumni. I look forward to continuing to work with Stephanie and the IAD faculty in the years to come as they build and enhance our student-centered Interior Architecture program."

Other winners from the UMass System include Jen Sandler from UMass Amherst, Randy Corpuz from UMass Boston, Stephanie D. Block from UMass Lowell, and Melissa A. Fischer from UMass Chan Medical School. Philosophy Professor and Chair Jennifer Wilson Mulnix won the award for UMass Dartmouth last year.

Graduating senior interior architecture + design major Daniela Tishchenko '23 reflected on her service-learning experiences with McGoldrick, saying, "Stephanie has been such an amazing mentor to me, which is my favorite part about the IAD program here. To have these experiences on my résumé tells employers that I already have real experience meeting tight budgets and working with clients, which is immensely valuable.

"As for my learning experience, getting to apply the things you learned in the classroom to something real makes it make more sense because you have a very real problem in front of you that has a very real impact on people you've met."