Student researchers from across campus to conduct unique research during the spring
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) recently announced the Spring 2023 award recipients. The awards are given to student researchers to fund their proposals for research projects alongside a faculty supervisor. The Office of Undergraduate Research works with students who aim to solve problems, make new discoveries, and interact with research faculty outside of the classroom.
Spring 2023 recipients are:
Danielle Jones – Nursing
Supervisor: Dr. Susan Hunter Revell
Title: “Using Culturally Relevant Food to Combat Food Insecurity in Hispanic Communities”
Daniel McCord Murray – Mathematics
Supervisor: Dr. Donghui Yan
Title: “Image Segmentation of Wildlife Animals and Determining Their Behavior”
Devyn Michael Carr – Photography
Supervisor: Professor Stacy Latt Savage
Title: “Big World, Small things: A Photography Journey”
Olivia Munyambu – Nursing
Supervisor: Dr. Melissa Desroche
Title: “Addressing Mental Health Amongst Undergraduate Students of the African Diaspora”
Chloe Naff – Nursing
Supervisor: Dr. Kathleen Elliot
Title: “Substance Use Risks and Motivations for Screenings”
Daniel O’Coin – Mechanical Engineering
Supervisor: Dr. Hangjian Ling
Title: “Fabrication and Evaluation of Drag Reduction of Super-Hydrophobic Sandpaper”
Savannah Platt – Sculpture
Supervisor: Professor Stacy Latt Savage
Title: “Turning Trauma into Art: From Mourning to Mark-making”
Caitlin Regan – Bioengineering
Supervisor: Dr. Tracie Ferreira & Dr. Dapeng Li
Title: “Fiber-Reinforced Hydrogel Composite”
Jenna Thibault – Nursing
Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Seney
Title: “The Effect of Workspace Violence on Psychiatric Nurses”