UMass Law UMass Law: Drew Participates in the ABA’s HIV/AIDS Impact Project Discussions

UMass Law UMass Law: Drew Participates in the ABA’s HIV/AIDS Impact Project Discussions
Drew Participates in the ABA’s HIV/AIDS Impact Project Discussions

Professor Margaret Drew was invited to participate in a series of discussions hosted by the American Bar Association in honor of World Aids Day.

Margaret Drew


UMass Law Professor Margaret Drew was invited to participate in a series of discussions hosted by the American Bar Association in honor of World AIDS Day. One of the events was a Chair Chat discussion which was hosted by Section Chair Juan R. Thomas and featured Margaret Drew, who is the ABA HIV/AIDS Impact Project Chair,  along with ABA HIV/AIDS Impact Project Co-Director Michael Pates. The discussion focused on the ABA HIV/AIDS Impact Project and World AIDS Day. During their Chair Chat conversation, they discussed the status of those living with HIV and the various barriers they face. 

Professor Drew also participated in a webinar titled “World AIDS Day: A Discussion with Survivor Advocates,” which welcomed a retrospective on the legal, social, and medical struggles and successes associated with HIV/AIDS over the last four decades and a sense of the future in light of them. Presenters discussed their personal journeys as survivors and advocates, among which were lawyers living with HIV telling their personal history and how living with HIV informs their advocacy.