2023 2023: Dr. Peeranuch LeSeure is developing a Smartphone app to assist patients with Type 2 diabetes

2023 2023: Dr. Peeranuch LeSeure is developing a Smartphone app to assist patients with Type 2 diabetes
Dr. Peeranuch LeSeure is developing a Smartphone app to assist patients with Type 2 diabetes

The free mobile app is geared toward those of Portuguese descent to help them in managing and treating their disease

O Jornal, a bilingual publication serving the Portuguese-speaking community of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, has featured the research of Dr. Peeranuch "Pim" LeSeure, assistant professor of nursing in the College of Nursing & Health Sciences. 

LeSeure is developing the Dia Friend mobile app, designed to assist the Portuguese population in self-managing their health and controlling diabetes.  The free, easy-to-use app can monitor glucose levels, exercise, medication, and carbohydrate intake and offer nutrition and other pertinent advice, taking into consideration staples of the Portuguese-American culture, LeSeure said. The app will be launched in English and will be made available in Portuguese.

When she reached out to the newspaper seeking Portuguese participants with diabetes for research on using cell phone applications, a reporter followed up with a story. Read the article here.