2022 2022: Visiting Artist: Ann Gale
Visiting Artist: Ann Gale

Artist Lecture, Thursday, March 31, 2022, 1:30pm

Robert in Mother’s Chair, oil on canvas, 48”x42”, 2019
Robert in Mother’s Chair, oil on canvas, 48”x42”, 2019

Artist Lecture: Thursday, March 31, 1:30pm
Star Store Lecture Hall, CVPA Star Store Campus, New Bedford

This event is sponsored by the Painting and Printmaking Club at the College of Visual and Performing Arts. For questions or additional information contact Prof. Elena Peteva at epeteva@umassd.edu

About Ann Gale

Ann Gale is an American figurative painter based in Seattle, Washington. Gale received her BFA from the Rhode Island College and her MFA from Yale University. She has been the recipient of several awards including: Western States Art Federation/National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant and a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship. She received an Academy of Arts and Letters Museum Purchase Award and is an Academician of the National Academy of Art and Design, NY.

Gale’s work has been shown in galleries and museums across the United States including solo exhibitions at the Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon and the Weatherspoon Art Museum at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her work is represented by the Dolby Chadwick gallery, San Francisco. Gale is a professor of painting and drawing at the University of Washington School of Art, Seattle.

Professor Gale paints people from direct observation, searching for what is apparent beyond the guarded and practiced stance of the individual. She focuses on measuring and distilling observations of light and form. In her recent work, she focuses on the psychological presence of her models and the intimacy revealed through the process of observation. The image exists as an intricate composite of observations revealing the fragile and momentary nature of perception.
