2022 2022: Introduction to Ocean Circulation and Modeling
Introduction to Ocean Circulation and Modeling

Professor Avijit Gangopadhyay’s newly released textbook provides the basics for the study of physical oceanography covering ocean properties and circulations and their modeling.

In a world constantly seeking to understand how climate science relates to the ocean and affects the world at large, Introduction to Ocean Circulation and Modeling, by Professor Avijit Gangopadhyay, provides an accessible discussion of ocean circulations and their modeling with applications to both interdisciplinary and climate problems.

“If your curiosity about our planet leads you to want to learn how it works, then this book is for you. You will have a better appreciation of the climate system that we all share. There are stories to share and create in the future,” says Gangopadhyay who is a professor of Oceanography at UMass Dartmouth’s School for Marine Science & Technology.

The textbook is ideal for students at the undergraduate level (senior/junior) as well as those who would like to venture into the workings of the ocean around us. How does it move? What constitutes understanding the basic elements of our ocean planet? How do we model such a system? How is it different from modeling the earth or the atmosphere? Where does our one ocean fit in within the global climate system? How do we understand and model the climate?

This book is also recommended for graduate students with an expressed interest in any branch of Oceanography (physical, biological, chemical, and geological). What do I need to know about the ocean’s physics to do my biology or chemistry research better? How do the biological productivity and other chemical parameters depend on or vary with the physical system? How does one model a complex system such as the ocean where all these different aspects and variables of each discipline seem to stand independent of each other? What is interdisciplinary modeling? Where do I start?

Additionally, specific chapters focus on explaining fundamental physical concepts about the oceans, atmosphere, and climate without mathematics to provide answers for the curious reader.


  • covers ocean properties and circulations, and their modeling
  • explains the centrality of rotating earth and its implications for the ocean and atmosphere
  • brings together ocean dynamics, observations, and modeling
  • includes illustrative diagrams for a clear understanding of key concepts
  • outlines interdisciplinary and climate models

Purchase your copy:

ISBN 9780367365974
Published February 15, 2022
CRC Press
454 pages, including 166 B&W illustrations