2022 2022: Hasday Presents at 33rd Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory
Hasday Presents at 33rd Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory

Professor Hasday presented his article, “Randomly Selected Representative Committees,” at the 33rd Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory.

Michael Hasday


UMass Law Visiting Professor Michael Hasday presented his article, “Randomly Selected Representative Committees,” at the 33rd Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory. The article, which he co-authored with two mathematicians at the University of Alicante in Spain, develops a new committee selection method that courts or legislatures could use to make their decision-making more accurate, consistent, and fair. Considered the leading conference in the world focused on game theory and its applications, the Conference featured presentations from prominent game theorists and economists, including Nobel Laureates Robert Aumann and Eric Maskin.