2022 2022: Charlton College of Business to host multiple entrepreneurial events in November
Charlton College of Business to host multiple entrepreneurial events in November

Corsair Idea Challenge, Global Entrepreneurship Week, and NB100! present opportunities to connect top business school talent to local economy

Charlton College of Business building

The Charlton College of Business will host multiple entrepreneurial events this month open to UMassD students, alumni, faculty, and greater SouthCoast residents. Below is a schedule of events:

Corsair Idea Challenge – Nov. 11 deadline

Started by the Student Run Business Association in 2014, the Corsair Idea Challenge promotes innovative ideas from across campus and is open to all UMassD students. Your idea can be for a new product, service, or experience.

“Whatever it is, we want to hear about it. Just record a quick 2-minute video describing your idea (like an Instagram reel or story), and tell us what it’s about,” said Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship, Griffin Cottle. “How does it work? Who is it for? Don’t worry about having to be a CCB student. This kind of format is meant to be friendly for students of all majors.”

The top three winners receive $500, $300, and $200 prizes respectively, as well as a free 6-month membership to the Co-Creative Center in downtown New Bedford.

Interested students can upload their pitch at this link. The application deadline is Friday, Nov. 11. Final presentations will be held on Thursday, Dec. 1, at 5 p.m. in CCB 149.

For more questions, please reach out to gcottle@umassd.edu.

Global Entrepreneurship Week – Nov. 14–20

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is a large-scale campaign active in 180 countries that celebrates and empowers entrepreneurs. This year, the Charlton College of Business (CCB) will serve as the GEW Community Organizer for the Southcoast region, hosting a broad collection of events in three cities in the region.

Events include “Shark Tank”-esq pitch competition, networking events, the launch of CCB student Brad Ferris’s app prototype, and more. Locations are as follows:

  • Monday: Newport, RI
  • Tuesday: New Bedford, MA
  • Wednesday: Fall River, MA
  • Thursday: New Bedford, MA
  • Friday: Dartmouth, MA

The four global themes of GEW 2022 will focus on Ecosystems, Education, Inclusion and Policy. Most events are open to the public. For a full schedule of events and more information, visit the SouthCoast Entrepreneurship Collaborative (SoCoECo).

NB100! – Ongoing

The Charlton College of Business is also a Spoke Partner with the New Bedford Economic Development council’s NB100! Entrepreneurship Support Program. Through the NB100! program, the Charlton College of Business provides entrepreneurship support to applicants through a cohort style of instruction, facilitating assistance through a series of workshops in a small group setting.

To apply, visit nbedc.org/grant-loan-programs


Recently ranked in the top 28% of undergraduate business programs in the United States by U.S. News & World Report, CCB has seen a 51-spot rise in rankings since 2020. Among public universities, Charlton ranks #89 in the U.S., and #2 in Massachusetts. Charlton is also one of less than six percent of schools with business programs worldwide to earn AACSB accreditation, the “gold standard” for business schools worldwide.