2022 2022: Watch: Professor Brian Glyn Williams' Corsair Chat on the Russian war in Ukraine
Watch: Professor Brian Glyn Williams' Corsair Chat on the Russian war in Ukraine

Williams explored how the two countries have reached the point of armed combat, based on his extensive field research and experiences in Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine

Professor of History Brian Glyn Williams presented the latest Corsair Chat discussing the Russian war in Ukraine. The presentation, titled "Javelins, Dictators, Insurgents, and Sanctions. Understanding the Ukrainian War," explored how the two countries have reached the point of armed combat.

Watch the recording here.

Professor Williams shared his expertise garnered from his time spent in the Ukraine and Russia going back to the Soviet period to infuse the largest military engagement in Europe since World War II with political, military, and historical context. Williams, a Russian speaker who has worked for the CIA's Counter Terrorism Center and U.S. Army, has written three books on Russian military expansion in Ukraine and Chechnya. For his articles on Russia and photographs of fieldwork in Ukraine and other warzones, please visit his website.

Also, please find a free online version of his recent book, The Crimean Tatars: From Soviet Genocide to Putin's Invasion.