2022 2022: Blue & Gold Weekend on October 14-15 will celebrate all Corsairs
Blue & Gold Weekend on October 14-15 will celebrate all Corsairs

Blue & Gold Weekend features events for students, alumni, families, faculty, and staff

UMassD Blue and Gold Weekend

The entire UMass Dartmouth community will gather on campus on October 14 and 15 for the annual Blue & Gold Weekend. The weekend features a full schedule of events for students, alumni, families, faculty, and staff across campus with music, food, student performances, athletics events, and more. Get the full schedule of events and register here. 

Friday’s events focus on the connections built among students, faculty, staff, and alumni, kicking off with an all-campus picnic in the afternoon. Student leaders will meet UMassD community leaders to hear about their college experience and careers, while our guests will learn more about our students’ career aspirations in the Student Leadership Luncheon, sponsored by the Student Alumni Association. The day of celebration culminates in the Investiture Ceremony of Chancellor Mark Fuller, PhD, on the campus quad at 3:00 p.m., where Chancellor Fuller will be inaugurated as the sixth chancellor of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth since the campus joined the University of Massachusetts System.

In the evening, Leah Douty ’18 returns to campus with her sister, Shai, and their business Two Toned Fitness for an outdoor workout under the tent on the practice field. Complete with LED lights and music, this 45-minute workout will be an electric exercise experience. Sign up here for the class. 

Saturday brings a whole day of activities for all Corsairs. The Blue & Gold Festival on the quad features food trucks, a petting zoo, and more. Arnie will greet guests with his local sports mascot friend, while students and their families watch student performances, enjoy pumpkin painting, and visit student organization tables. At athletics, the Corsair Tailgate is the perfect place to get ready for the football game at the Tripp Athletic Center Practice Field. Admission to the tailgate is $10 in advance and $15 at the door. UMassD football kicks off against Westfield State at 4:00 p.m. The weekend wraps up at the new 5th Quarter party starting at 6:15 p.m. on the practice field with live music from local band Get Lucky, dessert food trucks and fireworks. Fireworks will start at 8:05 p.m., sponsored by the UMass Dartmouth Alumni Association in celebration of Chancellor Fuller's inauguration.