2022 2022: SMAST to host research symposium on March 23
SMAST to host research symposium on March 23

The annual Intercampus Marine Science Research symposium, hosted by the School for Marine Science & Technology, showcases research being conducted by students, faculty, and staff across all UMass campuses.

SMAST 2022 IMS Symposium
The symposium highlights marine science research being conducted across the UMass system.

UMass Dartmouth's School for Marine Science & Technology will host the 2022 Intercampus Marine Science Research Symposium on Wednesday, March 23 from 9 am-5 pm. The one-day symposium is an opportunity to learn about the cutting-edge marine science research being conducted by students, staff, and faculty across all UMass campuses (Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, and Lowell). Free and open to the public.

For complete details and registration, please visit the IMS Research Symposium website.