2021 2021: Virtual community panel discussion on the power of mentoring
Virtual community panel discussion on the power of mentoring

On Jan. 26, Senator Montigny, Big Brothers Big Sisters, UMassD, and the New Bedford Housing Authority will discuss mentoring and social justice

Power of Mentoring panel

January is National Mentoring Month and the UMass Dartmouth Leduc Center for Civic Engagement, in collaboration with Senator Mark Montigny, Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), and the New Bedford Housing Authority will host a January 26 virtual panel discussion on the power of mentoring and the role it plays in social justice.

This panel will highlight the innovative partnership between the organizations that engages local kids in high-impact mentoring friendships. The event will feature Senator Montigny and his 11-year mentoring friendship with a young man from the region. The panel will feature UMassD Coach Mark Robichaud, Mirian Villatoro from BBBS, Esperanza Alejandro-Berube from New Bedford Housing Authority, Deirdre Healy from the UMassD Leduc Center for Civic Engagement. The event will close with a current student mentor, giving a first-hand look into the experience of being a youth mentor.

The event begins at 3 p.m. on January 26 via Zoom, so make sure you register today

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts (BBBSEM) currently serves over 3,000 children in a professionally supported mentoring friendship and their work is grounded in social justice and the belief that all children, regardless of background, can thrive. In 2020, BBBS launched a 3-year Diversity, Equity & Inclusion plan to ensure that the agency, at all levels, is representative of the communities they serve.

Since 2017, BBBSEM has increased the number of youths served with a Big (mentor) from approximately 80 to almost 150 at the end of FY20 in the Greater New Bedford area. Since 2018, UMassD students have mentored nearly 50 children.

For specific questions, please reach out to JR Mell, Regional Director with BBBS at jrmell@capebigs.org