2021 2021: UMassD Anti-Racism Resources
UMassD Anti-Racism Resources

Chief Diversity Officer David Gomes provides the UMassD community with important information regarding anti-racism

Dear UMass Dartmouth Community,

I’d like to add my voice to Chancellor Fuller’s and express that UMass Dartmouth stands in wholehearted solidarity with UMass Amherst. I echo the sentiment of my counterpart there, Dr. Nefertiti A. Walker, and affirm that UMass Dartmouth strongly condemns “all acts of anti-Black racism and will work to diminish their intent to cause harm to Black students on campus.”

We have many resources at UMass Dartmouth to help us prevent and respond to all forms of identity-based harassment, including the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, the Office of Student Affairs, the Frederick Douglass Unity House, the Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality, and the Office of Human Resources, to name just a few.

We are actively partnering with CITS to proactively protect our campus community against hateful e-mails, zoom-bombing, and other online forms of harassment. The university is also working to create a Bias Response Team to effectively respond to hateful incidents. If you have experienced identity-based harassment, the university wants to know so that we can support you, investigate and work to hold perpetrators accountable.

In the wake of these hateful incidents, I hope that many of you will make time to reach out to your friends, family, and peers at UMass Amherst to let them know they are supported.



David A. Gomes

Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator

Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion