2021 2021: Supporting Our Community Amid Continuing Racialized Violence
Supporting Our Community Amid Continuing Racialized Violence

Chancellor Fuller writes to the UMassD community about the continued violence against communities of color in America

Dear Members of the UMass Dartmouth Community,

I write today, as our nation awaits the outcome of Derek Chauvin’s trial in the death of George Floyd, to acknowledge the magnitude of these proceedings and the pain, sadness, anger and anxiety that many in the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) community are experiencing.  The university decries the all-too-common violence and killings that members of our communities of color are experiencing, including most recently Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo and the national wave of attacks on the Asian American Pacific Islander community.  We are in the midst of not only a global pandemic, but also a cultural epidemic of violence that is so traumatizing.  Hatred and racism should have no place in our university, nor in our society.

UMass Dartmouth is providing additional support and resources for students, staff and faculty, as well as opportunities for everyone to learn more about these issues.  For example, we have additional counselors on call, the Frederick Douglass Unity House is creating a safe virtual drop-in space for students and the university will provide a similar opportunity for faculty and staff.  UMass Law faculty will host a discussion regarding the legal elements of the Chauvin trial.

Chief Diversity Officer David Gomes will provide more information about these resources and events very soon, and we will also post that information on the UMass Dartmouth website.

In the coming days, I encourage the whole Corsair family to support and be kind to one another, and to draw upon the resources available to support your wellbeing.




Mark A. Fuller, PhD

Interim Chancellor