2021 2021: A statement from College of Nursing & Health Sciences Dean Kimberly Christopher affirming the College's values
A statement from College of Nursing & Health Sciences Dean Kimberly Christopher affirming the College's values

The College of Nursing and Health Sciences will continue to advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion within our chosen healthcare professions, amongst our student body, and within society at large

Dear College of Nursing & Health Sciences students, faculty, and staff,

In the past few days, several of you have reached out to my office with concerns regarding private social media posts. The College of Nursing and Health Sciences and the entire UMass Dartmouth community are committed to diversity, inclusion, pluralism and the free and open exchange of ideas.  We unequivocally condemn discrimination on the basis of gender, gender identity and sexuality, and our program takes seriously its responsibility to educate all our students about the impact of individual and systemic implicit biases in the healthcare professions.

It is vital to our educational mission and professional preparation efforts that civility and respect for all is shown within the classroom and in the workplace.  We also endorse and uphold the principles of free speech enshrined in the First Amendment, which protects everyone’s right to express views that may be unpopular and even deeply offensive.

The College of Nursing and Health Sciences will continue to advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion within our chosen healthcare professions, amongst our student body, and within society at large.



Kimberly Christopher
