2021 2021: Corsair Chat: Building pathways out of poverty in Guatemala
Corsair Chat: Building pathways out of poverty in Guatemala

Thursday, March 25 at 11:00 a.m.

Julia Rayberg '16

Julia Rayberg '16 traveled to Guatemala as a student in the Charlton College of Business and what she saw changed her life. Witnessing the extreme poverty in the country inspired her to start Worthy Village, a non-profit organization with a mission to build pathways out of poverty for women and children in Guatemala by providing economic opportunity, healthcare, and education. 

Today, Julia works full-time building Worthy Village, managing and overseeing programs, as well as organizational development. She works part-time as a nonprofit consultant and spends about nine months of the year in Guatemala. 

In this Corsair Chat, Julia will share her experiences starting an international nonprofit organization while a student at UMass Dartmouth. She will explain how the business of building pathways out of poverty in Guatemala evolved into a small hospital in a rural community with relief services throughout the country.

Thursday, March 25 at 11:00 a.m.

Register here.