2021 2021: Message to students from Dean Kimberly Christopher as the fall semester concludes
Message to students from Dean Kimberly Christopher as the fall semester concludes

Nursing students are encouraged to utilize available resources to finish the semester strong

Fall campus photo

December 1, 2021

Dear Nursing Students,

You are nearly at the end of the Fall 2021 semester! We are so happy to have you back on campus and reengaged in clinical courses. If ever we needed well-prepared nurse graduates to enter the workforce, it's now. Before you know it, you'll be graduates who are ready to launch your careers.

We want you to be successful in your finals and proudly demonstrate all you have learned. With all the academic and nonacademic nursing resources available to you, you should feel confident that with your sustained efforts you can finish this semester strong.

As you know, all faculty and particularly your academic advisors are available to help address your individual needs and supports. Below is a list of some important information to help you during the end of the semester:

Again, best wishes for a successful conclusion to the semester and a relaxing and renewing winter break.


Dean Kimberly Christopher

College of Nursing and Health Sciences