2021 2021: Journey into Afghanistan – the real stories and people behind the Taliban Conquest
Journey into Afghanistan – the real stories and people behind the Taliban Conquest

The latest virtual Corsair Chat will feature Professor Brian Glyn Williams, who will highlight the story of Afghanistan based on his extensive travels in the country and reports from people currently under Taliban rule

Journey into Afghanistan Brian Williams

As the world watches the dire situation in Afghanistan unfold, UMass Dartmouth Professor of Islamic History Brian Glyn Williams is in direct contact with Afghans who are living through these troubling events.

During the latest virtual Corsair Chat titled “Journey into Afghanistan – the real stories and people behind the Taliban Conquest,” Professor Williams will highlight the story of Afghanistan through the people he’s met and how their lives are now affected. Professor Williams will also discuss what the future holds for the country based on his extensive travels in Afghanistan and reports from people currently under Taliban rule. Afterward, there will be a question and answer session.

The event will be livestreamed via Zoom on September 9 at 7 p.m.

Professor Brian Glyn Williams is the author of seven books on warfare, terrorism, and ethnicity in Islamic Eurasia based on his extensive fieldwork in war zones ranging from Kosovo and Bosnia to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Kashmir. Williams' counter-terrorism work includes tracking Taliban and Al Qaeda suicide bombers for the CIA's Counterterrorism Center and U.S. Army's Information Operations Team in Afghanistan. His book, The Last Warlord: The Life and Legend of Dostum, the Afghan Warrior Who Led US Special Forces to Topple the Taliban Regime, provided much of the material for the movie, 12 Strong: The Declassified True Story of the Horse Soldiers starring Chris Hemsworth. Williams is currently finishing a book on the rise and fall of the ISIS Caliphate which will be informed by fieldwork in the Kurdish lands of Syria.

“Journey into Afghanistan – the real stories and people behind the Taliban Conquest”

September 9 at 7 p.m.

Register for the Zoom livestream.