2021 2021: Professor Drew Speaks on Human Rights at Home Clinic at Inter-American Clinical Conference
Professor Drew Speaks on Human Rights at Home Clinic at Inter-American Clinical Conference

Professor Drew presented on a panel of human rights clinicians on how UMass Law’s Human Rights at Home Clinic focuses on human rights needs and violations within the United States.

Margaret Drew, UMass Law faculty


UMass Law Professor Margaret Drew presented at the Inter-American Clinical Conference on a panel of clinicians who teach human rights clinics of varying focus. The conference was organized by Ibmec University in Sao Paulo, Brazil and co-sponsored by Pepperdine Caruso School of Law. Professor Drew’s presentation illustrated how UMass Law School’s Human Rights at Home Clinic focuses on human rights needs and violations within the United States. Professor Drew also discussed the varied work of her clinic students as well as the implementation of human rights principles shaping local human rights advocacy, particularly for survivors of domestic violence.


Click here to watch the presentation.

Professor Drew’s presentation begins at the 30-minute mark.