2021 2021: Corsair Challenge raises funds for UMassD students and programs
Corsair Challenge raises funds for UMassD students and programs

Over $75,000 raised during the annual giving day

The Corsair Challenge, UMass Dartmouth’s annual giving day, raised over $75,000 for 65 different funds, including scholarships, athletic teams, colleges, student organizations, and more. More people than ever split their gifts and supported multiple causes, making their impact even greater.

The UMass Dartmouth community came together over a 32-hour period, with over 500 donors from 25 states and three countries making nearly 700 gifts to the things they love about UMassD and UMass Law. With the ability to split gifts across funds at UMassD and UMass Law, donors gave to all of the causes they support. The Alumni Association’s challenge was met, awarding $2,500 in bonus funds each to the Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality, Frederick Douglass Unity House, the Student Textbook Fund, and the Women in Defense Scholarship for engineering students. A generous gift from BayCoast Bank helped generate more donations in the Challenge’s last two hours.

“The Corsair Challenge is an opportunity for alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends come together to make a difference for UMass Dartmouth by making gifts to what they love most at UMassD,” said Ellen Caccia, assistant vice chancellor, constituent engagement and annual giving. “We are grateful to our community for coming together in the spirit of philanthropy and Corsair pride to support current students.”

Corsair pride filled UMassD’s social media accounts, with alumni, students, faculty, and staff sharing videos and images to encourage others to give to the Corsair Challenge. Several virtual events were also held featuring Juli Parker, assistant dean of students and director of the Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality speaking on strategies for being trans-inclusive, a cooking demonstration with Chef Kevin of UMassD Dining broadcast live on the alumni Facebook page, and a primer on the new Corsair Network.

If you were unable to give during the Corsair Challenge, you may make a gift at anytime online at: umassd.edu/give