2021 2021: Building Inclusive Community
Building Inclusive Community

Chancellor Fuller discusses the need for everyone to recommit to equity in society

From the desk of Chancellor Mark A. Fuller

Dear Members of the UMass Dartmouth Community,

As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s a good time for us all to recommit, with a renewed sense of urgency and purpose, to the crucial work of creating a just and equitable society.  As a learning community, our goal is to cultivate an environment at UMass Dartmouth that is equitable and inclusive, where all of us can learn, work, grow and thrive together.

Regrettably, our digital world is increasingly vulnerable to those who seek to injure, provoke and divide us.  As you may have heard, two virtual events this semester have been disrupted by unknown individuals hurling racist invective. UMass Dartmouth condemns such hateful rhetoric in the strongest terms; we are working to identify the perpetrators so that they can be held accountable. If you’re planning a virtual event, please review and implement these recommended security protocols.

As Corsairs, let’s support one another, respect the inherent dignity of every member of our community, combat racism and oppression in all its forms, and celebrate the rich diversity of our community every day.






Mark A. Fuller, PhD

Interim Chancellor