2021 2021: Virtual IMS Research Symposium
Virtual IMS Research Symposium

The annual symposium showcases marine science-related research being conducted by students, faculty, & staff across all UMass campuses.

2021 Virtual IMS Research Symposium
The 2021 Virtual IMS Research Symposium will be held online from 1-5 pm on March 24 & 25, 2021.

UMass Dartmouth's School for Marine Science & Technology will host the 2021 Virtual UMass Intercampus Marine Science Research Symposium on Wednesday, March 24, and Thursday, March 25 from 1-5 pm on both days. This online symposium is an opportunity to learn about the cutting-edge marine science research being conducted by students, staff, and faculty from UMass campuses (Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, and Lowell). 

Event registration

To register, please visit the 2021 Virtual IMS Research Symposium website.

Call for poster abstracts & judges

poster abstracts:

Calling all abstracts for poster presentations. Submissions for abstracts related to marine science are due by Wednesday, March 17, 2021. Each poster presenter is invited to present a 3-minute “brief talk” summarizing the respective poster. Please submit your poster title and a 250-word (maximum) abstract to Alanna Mnich at amnich@umassd.edu and Adrienne Silver at asilver@umassd.edu

poster judges:

We are seeking faculty, postdocs, and PhD students to serve as judges. If interested, please contact Elizabeth Ells at eells@umassd.edu. Awards will be provided for the best overall poster presentation and best talk.