2021 2021: Drew Featured on American Bar Foundation’s “MeToo” Podcast Exploring Violence Against Women in the Context of Title IX
Drew Featured on American Bar Foundation’s “MeToo” Podcast Exploring Violence Against Women in the Context of Title IX

Professor Margaret Drew was interviewed on the ABF’s podcast “Who’s Law is it Anyway?” on the topic of “MeToo” and its effect on violence against women in the context of Title IX.

Margaret Drew, UMass Law faculty


UMass Law Professor Margaret Drew was featured on a “MeToo” Podcast sponsored by the American Bar Foundation in a series called “Whose Law Is It Anyway?”. The episode titled “Yes, No, and MeToo” explored violence against women in the context of Title IX.  Professor Drew discussed the history of women’s perceived lack of credibility and how that manifests in sexual assault cases. Professor Drew broke down how lawyers can shift their focus to the safety needs of their clients during cases. “What the civil system needs to do is really provide survivors with what they need to remain independent,” said Drew. She closed her discussion by talking about her optimism for future change.

As a member of several bar associations including the American Bar Association, having served with its Commission of Domestic and Sexual Violence since its founding, Professor Drew is also a past chair of the Commission. She recently received a 20/20 Vision Award for her work in implementing the Violence Against Women Act and mobilizing attorneys to represent survivors of domestic violence. Professor Drew is also co-founder and editor of Human Rights at Home Blog.